Now the disability certificates in San Juan are updated, but they do not expire

Now the disability certificates in San Juan are updated, but they do not expire
Now the disability certificates in San Juan are updated, but they do not expire

It has been almost a month since the Chamber of Deputies of San Juan approved the law that grants a new legal status to the Single Certificate of Disability (CUD). This rule determines that from now on the CUD does not expire, although it must be updated when necessary. Although this initiative has been spreading for some time, it has generated some doubts and queries among people with disabilities who do not know if they will have to carry out any new procedures or procedures.

In contact with HUARPE DIARY, the director of Disability of the province, Paula Moreno, explained that the norm that was sanctioned in San Juan is an adherence to the regulations recently promulgated at the national level. This regulation establishes that from now on the CUD will no longer have an expiration date, as if it had until before the law.

This implies that people with irreversible disability conditions will not have to periodically renew this certificate that allows them to access complete coverage from their social works.

Likewise, Moreno clarified that this does not imply that the CUD cannot receive what she defined as updates. The CUD records the condition of the person who owns it, which is why any changes that have arisen must be updated.

“This occurs in cases of progressive symptoms where a certain condition may worsen and the person will need more assistance, or in the case of children who begin receiving early stimulation and then move on to other types of treatment depending on their age,” explained the official.

Moreno clarified that since the CUD accredits a disability condition that “does not expire”, what is done in each update is to add some new data, so the applicant must complete a much shorter process and with fewer requirements than the application for the CUD. Added to this is that each CUD they deliver will come with a QR code that allows the holders to display it, since all the holder’s data and the disability condition they present will be recorded there.

How to get the CUD for the first time

To process the CUD, people must approach the Evaluation Board that operates in the Directorate of People with Disabilities, of the Ministry of Family and Human Development, at 697 West Rivadavia Street, telephone 4216606. The first thing to do is request an appointment. for evaluation.

The requirements to present are:

If the person is over 16 years old
• ID of the person to be evaluated (original and copy).
• Expired Single Disability Certificate, in case of renewal.
• Complete medical certificate and/or summary of the general medical history (no more than 12 months) specifying: diagnosis, history of the disease and time of evolution, current state and sequelae, pharmacological treatments and/or rehabilitation, signature and seal of the doctor and/or treating team.

If the person is under 16 years old
• ID of the person to be evaluated (original and copy).
• ID of the adult in charge.
• Birth Certificate (original and copy) of the person for whom the Certificate is requested (in case you do not have the new DNI).
• Expired Single Disability Certificate, in case of renewal.
• Complete medical certificate and/or summary of general medical history (not older than 12 months) specifying: diagnosis, history of the disease and time of evolution, current status and sequelae, pharmacological treatments and/or rehabilitation, signature and stamp of the doctor and/or treating team.

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