Public sector downsizing numbers | Monthly staffing report published by Indec

Public sector downsizing numbers | Monthly staffing report published by Indec
Public sector downsizing numbers | Monthly staffing report published by Indec

Indec published its monthly report on the Staffing of the national public administration, companies and corporations as of May 31, 2024. The organization registered a total of 316,255 people working in the public sector. That number stood at 341,473 last December, reflecting the downsizing as a consequence of the fiscal adjustment policy deployed by the government of Javier Milei.

Of the total number of people surveyed, 213,334 work in the national public administration, compared to 231,305 in December. In State companies and societies, there are 102,921 workers, compared to 110,168 in December.

Within the national public administration there are 184,436 people are under a collective bargaining agreement and another 2,623 are outside the agreement. Among the National Ministries, the one with the largest workforce is Human Capital, with 13,969 people, followed by Economy (8,215 people) and Health (3,859). Next in importance are the Chancellery, the Interior, the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Presidency.

In the Decentralized Administration, the weight of the Conicet, with a staff of 26,755 people, followed by Anses, with a total of 12,494 workers. In the area that depends on Economy, the AFIP has a workforce of 21,676 workers; INTA, with 6,899 workers and the National Highway Directorate, with 5,288.

In public companies, which the Government, in line with what happened in the early ’90s, wants to privatize as soon as possible, the following panorama appears: Mail It has a staff of 13,653 people, while Aysa, with 6896 people. Argentinian airlines has a workforce of 11,488 people and Banco Nación, with 17,479 workers. railway operator It has 23,456 people and road corridors, with 3,562 workers.

Regarding the wage issue, Indec itself recently published that income in the public sector increased by 7.5 percent in April, which is above the inflation for the period. However, in relation to the same month last year, Public sector salaries recorded a nominal increase of 193 percent, while inflation was 289 percent.

The comparison between public sector salaries and inflation shows an enormous liquefaction of income. If this is added to the drop in the staff, the result is a drop in the wage bill, a condiment for Minister Caputo’s fiscal adjustment.

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