Colombian Police seized rifles and ammunition on the Bogotá-Villavicencia road, they were going to armed groups that commit crimes in Meta

Colombian Police seized rifles and ammunition on the Bogotá-Villavicencia road, they were going to armed groups that commit crimes in Meta
Colombian Police seized rifles and ammunition on the Bogotá-Villavicencia road, they were going to armed groups that commit crimes in Meta

On the morning of this Friday, June 28, Colonel Claudia Susana Blanco Romero, director of the Traffic and Transportation Police reported on the results of an operation on the Bogotá-Villavicencio highway.

According to Colonel Blanco, in the midst of the control and accompaniment devices of the Exodus Plan, on this bridge, uniformed personnel from the Police Traffic and Transportation Directorate 14 assault rifles and 24 magazines were seized on the Bogotá – Villavicencio highway.

The uniformed officers set off the alarms when the driver of a vehicle – upon noticing a checkpoint – fled.

The man fled and left the car – in which the weapons were found – abandoned, but the work of the judicial police allowed his identification, and a special team is currently searching for him.

The weapons were destined for the armed groups that commit crimes in Meta.

Photo:National Police

Authorities presume that the weapons “Their final destination was some criminal structures that commit crimes in the department of Meta.“.

The operation also found medical material to treat diseases such as anemia, portable communication equipment and some documents that will be vital to the capture of the person responsible for transporting these war elements.

Justice Editorial:

In X: @JusticiaET


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