Tonight on Netflix: One of the Best and Toughest Adventure Movies of All Time – Movie News

Tonight on Netflix: One of the Best and Toughest Adventure Movies of All Time – Movie News
Tonight on Netflix: One of the Best and Toughest Adventure Movies of All Time – Movie News

Directed by a Mexican and full of well-deserved awards, this is one of the best adventure movies you can watch streaming. We recommend it to you with a closed eye.

Are you a fan of adventure, stories based on real events and good photography? Do not look any further. Directed by the Mexican Alejandro González Iñárritu, The Revenant It is a visual masterpiece that you cannot miss. It is available on Netflix and when you watch it you will realize that it has no comparison.

The Revenant It is not only famous for the impressive directing work of González Iñárritu, but also because he finally gave Leonardo Dicaprio the Oscar for Best Actor. In 2016, after being nominated multiple times for outstanding performances in films such as Gilbert Grape, Aviator, Blood Diamond and The Wolf of Wall StreetDiCaprio went home with the golden statuette.

If you don’t know much about this movie, it’s a journey to the United States of the 1820s, a time when nature and men were equally ruthless. DiCaprio plays Hugh Glass, who along with a group of men led by Captain Andrew Henry (Domhnall Gleeson), explores the Missouri River. On this expedition, Glass is attacked by a grizzly bear, leaving him seriously injured and on the verge of death. His companions, played by Tom Hardy (who also received an Oscar nomination) and Will Poulter, abandon him believing he will not survive, but against all odds, Glass clings to life by embarking on a journey of survival.

DiCaprio’s performance formidably captures every moment of his character’s pain and perseverance, however, what really makes special The Revenant is his cinematography. Directed by Emmanuel Lubezki, the film was filmed exclusively in natural light, a feat especially in outdoor conditions. For all of the above, the film received multiple Oscar nominations in categories such as visual effects, editing, sound, makeup, costumes and production design.

The Revenant It is a film that will captivate you with its visual beauty. If you haven’t seen it yet, this is your chance, just add it to your list on Netflix.

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