Did Sergio Andrade die? This is known

On social networks, information began to gain strength that indicates the death of Sergio Andradethe famous music producer who was related to the singer Gloria Trevi and here we tell you what is known.

The information comes from the program ‘Chisme No Like’, which is broadcast on YouTube, where its hosts Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain spoke about the version that the producer had lost his life.

In the broadcast this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, both entertainment specialists commented that an update appeared on Sergio Andrade’s Wikipedia profile in which it was reported that he had died last Friday, June 21, even showing screenshots of what was said.

In fact, Ceriani and Beristain commented that it was the former manager’s family who added his date of death to the Wikipedia page, although currently that information is no longer available on that site.

In addition to this, the hosts of the program ‘Gossip No Like’ assured that Sergio is faking his death to avoid facing United States justice, since there are new complaints against him for the famous Clan Trevi Andrade case. The argument is that by not locating him, the US authorities cannot proceed against him.

“He’s in a lot of trouble. Sergio Andrade decided to fake his death,” commented Elisa, while Javier added: “The judge said ‘if Sergio Andrade is not found for the lawsuit, this case may be dismissed.’ There Gloria (Trevi) and Mary Boquitas will have to defend themselves against the victims of the clan and will not be able to accuse Sergio.”

The hosts of the program that is broadcast on YouTube added that, according to their sources, Sergio Andrade’s most recent location is Cancun, where he went to seek medical help for kidney-related problems.

Who is Sergio Andrade?

Sergio Andrade, 68 years old, was a very important music producer in the 90s, managing careers like those of Yuri and Lucero, however, he went down in history for being involved in the famous Clan Trevi Andrade, after who, along with Gloria Trevi and Mary Boquitas, were arrested in Brazil in 1999, accused of corruption and exploitation of minors.

Sergio Andrade was an important composer, singer and producer.

The composer and producer was in prison in that country until 2003, the year in which he was extradited to Mexico to continue his judicial process in a prison in Chihuahua, but he was finally released in 2007 thanks to the work of his lawyers. Since then, little has been known about Sergio Andrade.


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