How does the villain of The Acolyte manage to turn off the Jedi’s lightsabers in the new Star Wars series? No, it’s not a Force power, it’s a metal

How does the villain of The Acolyte manage to turn off the Jedi’s lightsabers in the new Star Wars series? No, it’s not a Force power, it’s a metal
How does the villain of The Acolyte manage to turn off the Jedi’s lightsabers in the new Star Wars series? No, it’s not a Force power, it’s a metal

The mysterious and powerful Cortosis could have made an appearance in The Acolyte to give the Star Wars Jedi a new headache

The fifth episode of the first season of The Acolyte, the new series of the star wars saga recently released on Disney+, it is leaving a lot of new and interesting details for Star Wars fans. Some are as striking and important to the plot as the identity of the mysterious Master, the person responsible for the murders of the Jedi with which the story begins. Others are details that they can go somewhat unnoticed but they have their importance for the fans most committed to this galactic mythology and its canon.

Spoiler warning: From here, details of the plot of the fifth episode of The Acolyte, Night, are revealed.

Cortosis: a rare and powerful metal, but with limitations

One of the most surprising aspects of this episode is the revelation of how the Sith villain, Qimir, achieves Turn off the Jedi’s lightsabers during combat. This is not a Force power, but could be due to the effects of a rare metal known as cortosis. In this fifth episode, Qimir faces eight Jedi on the planet Khofar, demonstrating an astonishing ability to disable your lightsabers on contact. This is achieved through the use of a mask and gauntlet apparently made of cortosisa metal that can absorb the energy of a lightsaber and temporarily disable it. This metal, although known by some veteran fans, receives tremendous prominence here.

The history of costosis in the Star Wars canon is fascinating. During the Age of the Sith, different weapons forged from this metal appeared that posed a challenge in combat for lightsaber users. During the Clone Wars, the Grysks also used cortosis to create blaster fire resistant armor and capable of redirecting the energy of the lightsabers, causing them to temporarily turn off.

Despite its impressive capabilities, Cortosis has its limitations. This metal is Incredibly fragile until refined, making it unsuitable for use as armor in its natural state. In Qimir’s case, we see how his costosis mask, although effective in disabling lightsabers, breaks after receiving multiple hits. This could reveal the use of this material by evidencing one of the key weaknesses of costosis: its fragility.

The evolution of costosis in the Star Wars canon

Cortasis has experienced certain changes in its description and use over time in the Star Wars canon. Long story short, in old canon, costosis was known for being a material that could not only disable lightsabers, but also for its ability to withstand prolonged attacks. In current canon, while their properties remain similar, more emphasis has been placed on their fragility and their specific use to disable lightsabers upon brief contact.

This change in narrative not only enriches the Star Wars story, but also introduces new dynamics in combatThe inclusion of materials such as cortosis and beskar (another metal known for its resistance to lightsabers, used by the Mandalorians) complicates and diversifies combat strategies in the Star Wars universe. This presents new challenges for lightsaber wielders and adds new possibilities for future Star Wars stories.

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