Apple Intelligence: the agreement with OpenAI and Elon Musk’s ultimatum

Apple Intelligence: the agreement with OpenAI and Elon Musk’s ultimatum
Apple Intelligence: the agreement with OpenAI and Elon Musk’s ultimatum

Saturday 15.6.2024


Last update 20:16

Apple began WWDC24 this Monday, June 10, and ended on the 14th, the 2024 edition of the World Developers Conference in which the company’s main innovations are presented annually.

Once again, artificial intelligence took over the attention, but on this occasion, the company founded by Steve Jobs went one step further and presented Apple Intelligence, its format that integrates GPT into the entire Apple ecosystem.

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Apple joins the technological revolution with its own artificial intelligence

Despite announcing a series of updates and new functions within the iPhone and for the Vision Pro, the presence of AI and the agreement with OpenAI (an option to enhance) becomes the most attractive, useful and at the same time controversial.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. Credit: Carlos Barria/Reuters

The main difference of Apple Intelligence is that it will fulfill the role of co-pilot within several applications and will accompany the user with Siri, the sound assistant that now expands its capabilities. CEO Tim Cook introduced it as “Personal Intelligence.”

The objective is for AI to not only act as a content creator, but also to enhance the powers of the assistant, streamlining and simplifying processes.

The most notable features that Apple Intelligence will include or improve are the following:

  • Summarize and/or rewrite emails, web pages and texts in general in your own or third-party applications.
  • Create images based on photographs saved in the gallery, including real people and adding elements
  • Change setting settings without knowing the exact name of the function, describing it to Siri.
  • Improves the Memories function, understanding the context of each photograph and being able to search for one with its description.
  • Genmoji, the emoji creation tool with freedom for the user. They can be sent via iMessage.
  • Notes will have a tool called Magic Wand, which will allow you to create images using user sketches or in empty spaces using the context of the text.
  • Apple Intelligence will arrive in beta version with iOS 18 and ipadOS 18, only in English and for the United States.

WWDC24 also presented other features for iPhone: editing the color of icons and location, hiding apps, using iMessage via satellite without internet, the Apple Cash virtual wallet that will send money remotely, among others of lesser impact.

Security questioned

The richest man in the world, co-founder of OpenAI and planning to develop his own AI, Elon Musk, harshly criticized Apple’s measure and threatened to ban it from his companies.

See also

See also

An OpenAI manager resigned and said that the security of AI is at risk

“If Apple integrates OpenAI into the operating system, Apple devices will be banned from my companies,” said the owner of X (former Twitter) and considered it: “an unacceptable security violation.”

He also threatened that “visitors will have to leave their Apple devices at the door, where they will be kept in a Faraday cage.”

“It is completely absurd that Apple is not smart enough to create its own AI, but is able to ensure that OpenAI protects your security and privacy. Apple has no idea what really happens once it hands over your data to OpenAI. “They are selling you at a very low price,” Elon commented in a series of posts on his official account.

Illustrative image. Credit: Given Ruvic/Reuters

From Apple they detailed this Monday that one of the characteristics of Apple Intelligence is that it will not use GPT as a reservoir of user information, but rather the interaction and data provided would remain within each device. These are controlled by the company itself, which assured that they would be protected.

One of the points that is not clarified and that it is implied that it will be this way, is that the tool will work by default and will constantly analyze the elements on the screen and the respective actions.

The particular thing about the case (or no longer) is that hours after his claim, Musk withdrew the complaint he had filed on February 29 against OpenAI and its chief executive, Sam Altman, where he accused them of abandoning their purpose of pursuing development. of artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity.

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