How to easily unsubscribe from Wise, the international payments fintech entity

How to easily unsubscribe from Wise, the international payments fintech entity
How to easily unsubscribe from Wise, the international payments fintech entity

You can easily unsubscribe from Wise by meeting the necessary requirements

Wise is one of the most popular fintech companies in the world

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It is possible, no matter how right you are, that you are thinking about abandon Wise products and services, the electronic money financial institution that allows money to be deposited inside to carry out payments of all kinds. Well, just as we have told you about it, at Andro4All we will explain how you can unsubscribe easily of this fintech.

Cancel Wise account

Although Wise is a very popular fintech entity, anyone may have his reasons to cancel the Wise service and unsubscribe permanently, so, if you have a personal account, below we explain how you can unsubscribe and What prior actions are recommended? so that the cancellation can be processed without incident:

wise card arrival

The physical Wise card has a price of 7 euros for the issuance cost, and 4 euros for the renewal cost.

  • Make sure there are no no pending payment to avoid problems when closing the service.
  • Remember set your balance to zero, taking out your money and paying if the account is in the red. You can complete both actions through another bank account, either to transfer the remaining money to balance your balance, or to withdraw the savings you have deposited in Wise.
  • Once your balances are at zero and you have your payments in order, you will only have to go to your account, enter “privacy and security” on Android, or “settings” on iOS, and select “close account”. Once you do this, the process to cancel your Wise account will begin.
Wise app

The Wise mobile app is easy to use and very intuitive

If your Wise account is a business account, the steps you must take to deactivate the service are the following:

  • Withdraw all the money that is available in your account balances.
  • Download all receipts payment details and bank statements that you may need in the future, since this way you will not have problems continuing to access them. It is a crucial step for your company to maintain all relevant documentation regarding its work performance.
  • Unlink any productivity programs that you have connected to the Wise service. This way, these productivity programs will not have any errors.
  • Transform your available money into cash. A commission will be charged, but this way you can transfer it to other services and have this money fully.
  • Make sure you have completed all pending transactionsor failing that, cancel them so that there is no process in progress.
  • For security reasons, company accounts cannot be unsubscribed from the mobile phone, but from the PC web version. To do this, you will simply have to go to settings and look for the “deactivate account” option. Once you complete it, there will be no turning back.
wise card

Wise is an ideal service to carry out payments in different types of currencies

Is it free to unsubscribe?

If you can cancel your Wise account completely free. Of course, in any case, you will not need to avoid maintenance fees if you are not going to use their services for a season because Wise does not charge for that service. Therefore, you do not need to close this service if you were only concerned about the cost and are interested in using it again in the short term. Another fact to remember is that you will lose your IBAN if you close your account, and They will give you another account number if you return after unsubscribing.

On the other hand, if you simply want to unsubscribe, regardless of money or any other factor, the only thing you should worry about is meet the requirements mentioned above. Since the cancellation of your account is free, it will not be necessary for you to carry out any other specific action regarding process the cessation of service.

Options and alternatives to Wise

You may find the service that Wise offers as an electronic money institution useful, valuable, and aligned with your main interests when contracting the products and services of a fintech. If that is your case, despite having abandoned the Wise ecosystem, another similar entity would be Monese, with a similar premise and basis to which Wise performs. Therefore, if you are interested in a service with similar characteristics, Monese may be your best option.

On the other hand, you may be more interested in having the services of a neobank with a full banking license. In Spain there are already several companies that operate and have an important customer base, as is the case of Revolut and its 2.5 million customers in our country, or that of N26, which also exceeds one million customers in Spain.

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