How to use and configure Game Turbo on your Xiaomi? – Modoradio

How to use and configure Game Turbo on your Xiaomi? – Modoradio
How to use and configure Game Turbo on your Xiaomi? – Modoradio

If you are a video game lover and you own a Xiaomi smartphone, then you should know about the Game Turbo function. This tool is designed to optimize the performance of your device while you play by allowing latency with higher FPS, giving you a smoother and more immersive gaming experience. Next, we will explain how to use and configure Game Turbo on your Xiaomi to get the most out of your gaming sessions.

What is Game Turbo and how to activate it?

Game Turbo is an exclusive feature on Xiaomi devices, including the recent Xiaomi 14 Series devices, which is responsible for optimizing system performance while playing games. This tool makes sure that your smartphone allocates the necessary resources for the game to run optimally, reducing latency and improving graphic quality.

To activate Game Turbo on your Xiaomi, follow these simple steps:

1.- Go to the “Settings” section of your device.

2.- Search and select the “Special functions” option.

3.- Within the special functions, look for and activate the “Game Turbo” option.

Once activated, Game Turbo will automatically optimize your device’s performance every time you launch a compatible game.

Game Turbo Advanced Settings

Performance: Game Turbo allows you to choose between different performance modes depending on your preferences. You can opt for “Balanced” mode, which offers a balance between performance and battery consumption, or “Pro” mode, which prioritizes performance over battery life. There is also a “Custom” mode, which allows you to manually adjust the settings to your needs.

Block calls: Likewise, during a gaming session, notifications and calls can be an annoying distraction. Game Turbo allows you to block all notifications and calls while you play, ensuring an uninterrupted experience. You can activate this feature from Game Turbo’s advanced settings.

Recording and screenshot: Likewise, you can share your best gaming moments with your friends or followers, since Game Turbo makes it easy for you. This tool allows you to record the screen while playing games or capture screens with a simple tap. You can access these features from the Game Turbo floating menu during gameplay.

Network acceleration: A stable and fast Internet connection is essential to enjoy online games. Game Turbo includes a network acceleration feature that optimizes your connection while you play, reducing latency and improving stability.

Customizing touch controls: Some games may benefit from custom touch control settings. Game Turbo allows you to customize the location and size of the on-screen buttons to suit your preferences.

Game Turbo is an essential tool for video game lovers who own a Xiaomi smartphone. With easy activation and advanced configuration options, you can enjoy an optimized and personalized gaming experience.

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