Whee is here, TikTok’s alternative to Instagram for sharing photos

Whee is here, TikTok’s alternative to Instagram for sharing photos
Whee is here, TikTok’s alternative to Instagram for sharing photos

A few weeks ago we told you that TikTok An alternative to Instagram was working, but rather the Instagram of its beginnings, when photos were exclusively shared, first in 1:1 format and later in any format. And this social network is already here, although with some limitations, but we already know its name and what it will offer us to use as an alternative to other social networks that were not so focused on videos originally. And Bytedance wants to take over the biggest social media pie possible, taking advantage of the enormous pull of its main social network.

The photographic social network

That is Whee, a social network that goes directly for Instagram, which is the one that until now has made the most important commitment to photography, although in recent times it has also bet very heavily on reels, short videos that in turn They compete directly with TikTok. Well, in this crossfire we now have in the Play Store a new alternativewhich is accessible, but at the moment can only be installed in some regions, something common in these deployments.

In this new app the interface is quite similar to that of TikTok, minimalist and very easy to use, so that anyone can get familiar with it in a matter of minutes. Of course, curiously when we see the screenshots of the application, they remind us a lot of Instagram, making it clear that Bytedance wants us to leave the Meta app behind and get fully involved in this new proposal. On a visual level, we see an interface where photos are displayed with rounded corners, both in the feed and in the gallery.

We also see how we are going to be able to like, comment, and see who liked the image. We also see a notification area, and a profile photo with access to it in the upper right corner. In short, if it weren’t for those corners of the images, and the name Whee at the top, we would think we were looking at an Instagram capture. Literally Bytedance defines the social network like this:

  • Whee is a new social app created to keep you connected with your close friends through spontaneous moments in life. Capture and share real-life photos that only your friends will see, and be your most authentic self. Whee is the best place for great friends to share important moments in their lives.

So with these lines it is quite clear that this is an exclusive social network for photographs and to share with our closest contacts, there is no doubt about that. Now it remains to be seen when it will debut in Spain, since as we said, at the moment there are only a few countries that have the possibility of installing it. It must be recognized that Bytedance’s objective is very ambitious, since fighting against Instagram or trying to steal users from it is a titanic undertaking.

But it was also that a social network like TikTok would become what it is today, displacing all the others. Of course we want to see it in action and see if there is something that really makes it different, or if it is simply another social network.

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