This happens if a black hole swallows you

This happens if a black hole swallows you
This happens if a black hole swallows you

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NASA presented its incredible simulation of a human being in a black hole.

Nothing can escape a black hole, not even light, due to the great force of gravity they exert. Chasing that mystery, scientists from Goddard Space Flight Centera research laboratory that depends on the POT, generated simulations to find out what would happen if a black hole trapped a human being. And he presented the amazing videos.

What happens if I get swallowed by a black hole? NASA’s response

The simulations were carried out by astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman, from NASA Goddardand presented two possible scenarios. The simulated destination is a supermassive black hole with 4.3 million times the mass of the Sun, equivalent to a “monster located in the center of the Milky Way.”

For the simulation they used the Discover supercomputer of the Climate Simulation Center of the POTwhich generated 10 terabytes of data and accomplished the feat in just five days using just 0.3 percent of its processing power. The same task would have taken a normal computer more than ten years.

“People often ask what a black hole and what it would be like to walk into one. Simulating these processes that are difficult to imagine helps me connect the mathematics of relativity with the real consequences in the real Universe,” said the astrophysicist from the Goddard Space Flight Center of the POTresponsible for the simulation.

“So “I simulated two different scenarios, one in which a camera, as if it were a substitute for a daring astronaut, simply fails at the event horizon and is ejected, and another in which it crosses the boundary, sealing its fate.”Schnittman added.

Black hole: the impressive videos of NASA

At the beginning of one of the four videos uploaded to your channel Youtube (two that show the simulations and another two that explain them), a thin inner circle called a photon ring is observed. It is an image produced by light that has orbited the black hole one or more times before escaping. This oval, centered in the camera travel direction, shows the entire simulated sky.

In the simulation The experts put a camera instead of a human being to imagine what entering the black hole would look like. The speed of the camera causes the light sources ahead to brighten greatly on their 10-minute plunge toward the event horizon. There, the light of the outer universe still shines, but it can never leave. Microseconds later the chamber is destroyed and reaches the singularity.

In it video which shows what would happen if a black hole swallow an astronaut, first person camera The nightmare begins at a distance of 640 million kilometers from the black hole, advancing towards it.

As the victim of this formation approaches the black hole, the disc and internal structure become clearer. They then distort and two orbits occur before the traveler submerges in a period of just 12.8 seconds. In the second case it approaches the black hole, before escaping the gravitational attraction.

What is the origin of a black hole?

The black holes They form from the cores of dead massive stars that collapse under their own gravity. They are so dense that their matter is compressed into a space that is currently indescribable to physics.

The black holes They contain the largest amount of matter in the smallest space than any other object in the universe. Because they are so compact, they have a large force of gravity.


These formations are distinguished by their size: the so-called “stellar” are those that have masses comparable to that of the Sun and radii of tens or hundreds of kilometers; and those whose masses are millions or even billions of times the mass of our Sun, are the so-called “supermassive black holes” of the nuclei of galaxies.

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