What is CEUS, the political alliance that ran in the 9J European elections?

What is CEUS, the political alliance that ran in the 9J European elections?
What is CEUS, the political alliance that ran in the 9J European elections?

In these European elections, Spaniards have been able to choose between 4,168 candidates from 34 parties and coalitions that have presented themselves. Regarding alliances, The Central Electoral Board (JEC) gave the green light to a total of 10.

Among the coalitions that have presented themselves for these elections, the following stand out: CEUS, Now Republics and Exists, made up of different political parties that have chosen to unite the vote, taking into account that there is a single constituency and that in this way, they can improve their electoral results.

The European elections are the only elections that are governed by the single state constituency system, not by provinces or communities, which favors the formation of alliances between territorial parties or minority groups.

What’s behind CEUS?

This is the Coalition for a Europe of Solidarity (CEUS), an electoral group formed by several nationalist and regionalist parties of conservative orientation. Among its most prominent members are the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and the Canarian Coalition (CC-PNC).

This alliance has competed in previous elections under the name Coalition for Europe. In the 2019 elections, the coalition was made up of the PNV, CC-PNC, Compromiso por Galicia, Atarrabia Taldea, El Pi-Proposta per les Illes and Demòcrates Valencians.

In these elections the head of the list is Oihane Agirregoitia Martínez.

CEUS proposals

The main measures of the PNV are:

  • Welfare and Social Protection: improve welfare conditions through a minimum protection framework for Member States.
  • Living place: regulatory proposals to address the problems of access to housing, innovation in the construction sector and public promotion of protected housing.
  • Equality and Non-Discrimination: fight discrimination based on race or religion and force member states to sign and ratify the Istanbul protocol on gender violence.
  • Migration: implement a new immigration pact to improve assistance mechanisms in emergency cases due to mass arrivals.

The main measures of the Canarian Coalition (CC) are:

  • Home: creation of a Residence Law for its own territory, with the aim of protecting the interests of locals and ensuring that everyone has a place to live.
  • Economy: economic diversification to boost growth, betting on sectors such as aerospace, innovation and the blue economy and creation of a European standard of care for the most disadvantaged.
  • Fight Authoritarianism: combat authoritarianism at an international level and fight populism, promoting an EU with a firm position against violations of International Law, referring specifically to Russia and Israel.

What the CEUS polls have said in these elections

The 40 db poll for El País and Cadena Ser predicted that The political coalition would obtain a seat in the European Parliament, thus maintaining its only representative. In 2019, CEUS achieved 633,090 votes, which represented 2.82% of the total.

Other coalitions that appear in Spain

What is Now Republics?

Now Republics is a coalition of left-wing nationalist and independence parties. Among its most prominent members are EH Bildu, Esquerra Republicana (ERC), the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) and Ara Més. Polls predict that this candidacy, led by Diana Riba, could obtain between 2 and 3 seats. This same coalition already participated in the 2019 elections under the same name.

What is Exists?

It exists is a coalition formed by parties from the regions known as emptied Spain. Its members include Teruel Exist, Soria ¡YA!, Cuenca Ahora, Aragón Exist, Ahora Decide (Zamora) and Jaén Deserve Más, in addition to a hundred other municipalist parties. The list is headed by Tomás Guitarte, former deputy of the Congress of Deputies.

Coalitions in the European elections in 2019

In the previous European elections in 2019, 12 coalitions registered. However, only Unidas Podemos ( Podemos, Izquierda Unida and En Comú) and the alliances of nationalist and independence formations They won seats in Parliament.

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