Who was Coco Martínez, the comedian who defined himself as “lazy, but a good kid”, and shone on stage and in streaming

Who was Coco Martínez, the comedian who defined himself as “lazy, but a good kid”, and shone on stage and in streaming
Who was Coco Martínez, the comedian who defined himself as “lazy, but a good kid”, and shone on stage and in streaming

Coco Martínez’s gameplays

This Tuesday, the entertainment community in Argentina received the news of the comedian’s death Coco Martinez. The information was confirmed through social networks by her partner, which immediately generated a wave of reactions among her followers and colleagues. With a charisma that crossed the screen, she had a considerable presence in instagram with more than 117 thousand followers.

His sudden departure left a void in the comedy scene and great sadness among his fans, who did not hesitate to express their regret with messages and tributes online. Also those who shared days of performance with him, in addition to those who shared air time on the Blender streaming channel, where he also displayed his magic.

“I’m Coco Martinez, a lazy comedian, but a good kid,” He appeared on one of the platforms where he performed his classic streams in which he also performed one of his most applauded segments, playing the role of Nahuelito Gamer, and with his voice changed as if he were a minor, he played online with different people whom he ended up getting fed up with and winning out of exhaustion.

Chapu Martínez and Coco Martínez worked together in theater

Regarding the key points that he made clear at the time of the transmissions, there were two that were non-negotiable: “Don’t tell me what I have to do or what to play,” since it was common for viewers who were in the middle of fluid communication to start to observe messages from people who only interacted to request various topics or particular games. All for the good of the community. In fact, the second non-negotiable point was: “Always tell me I’m cute. Bad vibes are not welcome. If you are going to come here to fight, I will cut you.”

In 2017 he appeared on Instagram with a series of videos called “Is it my friend or is it me?”, in which he represented different ways of people acting when faced with routine issues such as receiving a call from a call center – the first of the videos uploaded to that social network -, when ordering a pizza or even about how people act when drinking mate. In each of his videos, he left as a slogan “Get rid or send your friend to the front, tag him and let everything rot!”, As a way to generate greater reach on the networks.

Coco Martínez walked with her humor through the most varied platforms
Coco Martínez walked with her humor through the most varied platforms

But not everything would remain in the virtual realm. Coco was also a well-known figure in the Buenos Aires comedy circuit. He even also got together with Chapu Martínez and presented the show “We all have a Martínez”, directed by Pablo Picotto. This show combined monologues, sketches, audiovisual projections, characters, improvisations and audience participation to achieve laughter and identification.

Martínez developed his career in various bars and theaters in the province of Buenos Aires. With a varied and dynamic format, his performance alongside Chapu Martínez sought to connect directly with the audience through humor, using different theatrical resources.

Coco Martínez did not reveal her name

The show directed by Picotto was just a sample of Martínez’s talent and his ability to adapt to different forms of comedy, using everything from monologues to direct interaction with the audience. His style focused on the viewer’s identification with everyday situations, which generated a good reception in the different settings where it was presented.

The focus on the diversity of formats and Picotto’s direction have been key elements to the success of the Martínez duo. The active participation of the public is another important pillar of the show, allowing a closer and more personalized experience for attendees.

In addition, recently it was part of the streaming channel Blenderwithin the cycle Before you couldwith Augustine Fantasy and Gaby Acosta. There he was in charge of creating the most varied motives, from how a bondiola was served on the Costanera and Palermo, to the adventures of drivers of application vehicles to investigating the present of cartoneros or kiosqueros.

In statements to Teleshowfrom that space they highlighted a particularity when dealing with this type of information and expressed: “The truth is that the news took us completely by surprise. We are very hurt and dismayed by what happened.”, and then continue with a respectable silence.

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