so you can visualize the forest fire layer

so you can visualize the forest fire layer
so you can visualize the forest fire layer

Summer is fire season, so you always have to be prepared, the Giant of the Big G GPS app has a layer on its maps, in which we can check if in forest fires are occurring in the place we are. We tell you how.

Check if fires are breaking out in your area

The absence of rain, heat and dry vegetation encourage them to occur and spread more quickly. Whether accidentally due to carelessness or intentionally, many hectares have been burned in these fires. Normally we usually find out from the media about the locations of these fires, but always when their volume and extension affect thousands of hectares and endanger a large number of people. With Google’s wildfire layer We will be able to know at all times in which areas these fires are occurring. We will be able to see its progress and status in real time, simply by activating this layer in the Google Maps settings.

This is how you can see the evolution of the fires on Google Maps | TecnoXplora

To show it, you just have to click on the layers icon at the top right of the Maps screen. There we find the forest maps icon. As with other layers such as air quality, The data will be updated every so often so that we always know how and where the flames advance. So on the map we can see the area affected by the fire, so we will put ourselves in danger by being surprised by this circumstance. This way we can vary our route and look for alternatives for passage and evacuation if necessary.

Although it is not the only way to be informed if we are in danger in the area in which we find ourselves. Let us remember that the emergency notification service. Through which we receive notifications of any event or situation that puts us in danger. Through our mobile phones we receive an audible alert, which warns us of the danger and the recommendations to follow at all times.

Thanks to these alert services and initiatives such as those of Google, it is easier to access information and warn the population of the possible dangers that surround them at all times. These alert systems help reduce the number of victims in these types of tragedies. So if you are going on a trip or want to check that there are no active fires in your area or where you intend to travel, It is advisable to consult this layer of Google Maps. We have lived in a time in which we have access to information almost anywhere we are. Thanks to our mobile phones and Internet connection, it is possible to have real-time access to any information or event that is happening around us.

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