Tremor in Colombia today, Thursday, June 20, 2024: last earthquake reported by the SGC

Tremor in Colombia today, Thursday, June 20, 2024: last earthquake reported by the SGC
Tremor in Colombia today, Thursday, June 20, 2024: last earthquake reported by the SGC

The worst earthquakes in the history of Colombia

The Popayán Earthquake (1983): It caused more than 300 deaths and left numerous people injured and buildings destroyed. This devastating event marked a milestone in the history of the city and the country in terms of natural disasters.

The Coffee Axis Earthquake (1999): With its epicenter in Armenia, this earthquake reached a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter scale. It killed more than 1,000 people, left tens of thousands homeless and caused significant property losses in the region.

The Tumaco Earthquake (1979): With a magnitude of 8.1, this earthquake was followed by a tsunami that seriously affected the Nariño coast. Around 500 people died and significant damage to infrastructure was reported.

The Los Santos Earthquake (1995): Although this 6.8 magnitude earthquake did not cause fatalities, it did cause significant material damage in several towns in the department of Santander.

The Cúcuta Earthquake (1875): recorded an estimated magnitude of 7.3. This earthquake destroyed much of the city of Cúcuta and seriously affected the surrounding regions. The fatalities are estimated at several thousand.

This is the map that details the territories with the lowest and highest seismic threat in the country

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management indicated that it is very complex to know when and where an earthquake can occur, but it is possible to know which regions of the country are most exposed.

One of the sectors with the highest concentration of seismic events in Colombia is the Bucaramanga seismic nest, with epicenters located in the Mesa de los Santos area – credit Infobae

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Ungrd) defines an earthquake such as the sudden release of high amounts of energy, that are recorded through waves that move through the interior of the earth and that upon reaching the surface can be perceived by people, animals and even structures.

What to do if you suffer an earthquake in the middle of heavy rain?

During rainy seasons, earthquakes can present additional risks, such as landslides and flooding. Below are recommendations for preparing for and responding to an earthquake under these conditions:

Home inspection and maintenance: make sure your home is in optimal condition to resist earthquakes, especially during the rainy season. This includes checking the condition of the roof, drains and foundation. Also ensure that nearby slopes are stable and do not show signs of slipping.

Securing objects: Secure tall furniture and heavy objects to walls to prevent them from falling during an earthquake. Check especially those that may block evacuation routes.

Preparation of an emergency plan: create an emergency plan that considers the particularities of the rainy season, such as the possibility of post-earthquake flooding or landslides. Include safe evacuation routes that avoid areas prone to these risks.

Adapted emergency kit: Make sure your emergency kit includes rainy season essentials, such as raincoats, wellies and sealable bags to protect important documents and electronic devices.

Identify safe areas: within your home, identify the safest areas to protect yourself during an earthquake. Avoid being near windows that could break and cause injury. During the rainy season, also consider the additional risks when choosing these areas.

Preparing for utility outages: Earthquakes, especially during rainy seasons, can cause outages in water, electricity and gas services. Prepare supplies of drinking water and non-perishable food that last several days.

Beware of post-earthquake floods and landslides: after an earthquake, be alert to possible floods or landslides, which may be more likely due to water saturation in the soil. Evacuate to higher areas if you observe or receive warning of these risks.

Why do so many earthquakes occur in the municipality of Los Santos, Santander?

The high seismic activity in Los Santos, Santander, is mainly due to its geographical location in a region of intense tectonic activity.

This municipality is located in the area around the Bucaramanga knot, an area of ​​interaction between several tectonic plates, such as the Nazca plate, the South American plate and the Caribbean plate. The convergence and movement of these plates generate numerous geological faults and, as a consequence, a high frequency of earthquakes.

In addition, the Bucaramanga fault, one of the most active in the country, contributes significantly to the occurrence of recurring seismic events in the region.

La Mesa de Los Santos is one of the municipalities of Santander where the most earthquakes are reported in Colombia - credit Colprensa
La Mesa de Los Santos is one of the municipalities of Santander where the most earthquakes are reported in Colombia – credit Colprensa

The importance of having an emergency kit in case of an earthquake

The relevance of having an earthquake emergency kit at home lies in preparation for possible natural disasters. A well-equipped kit can make the difference between survival and risk in critical situations.

It should include drinking water, non-perishable food, flashlight, extra batteries, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, essential medicines, important documents, cash, and personal items such as warm clothing and sturdy shoes.

Having these elements on hand allows you to immediately meet basic needs and facilitates the response during and after the seismic event, increasing the chances of keeping the family safe and avoiding major complications.

Apart from the emergency kit, you must also have a meeting point established, both at your workplace and at home - credit Sergio Acero/Colprensa
Apart from the emergency kit, you must also have a meeting point established, both at your workplace and at home – credit Sergio Acero/Colprensa
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