Sitting on gas, there is no way to overcome a harsh winter in Santa Cruz — OPI Santa Cruz

Sitting on gas, there is no way to overcome a harsh winter in Santa Cruz — OPI Santa Cruz
Sitting on gas, there is no way to overcome a harsh winter in Santa Cruz — OPI Santa Cruz

The routes with snow in the middle of the storm that hits Patagonia – Photo: OPI Santa Cruz/Francisco Muñoz

(By: Rubén Lasagno) – No one can say that they are surprised by the cold weather in the province, although they can argue that we are experiencing one of the harshest winters in recent years.

You may be interested in: Due to lack of gas, the border crossings with Chile will be closed starting today, Saturday the 22nd at 12:00 p.m. until further notice

That said, those who have lived in Santa Cruz for many years know that just as the wind is a recurring factor year after year, especially between the months of August and March, the cold is a recurring factor between May and July, at least, because it is part of the climatic normality of these latitudes and if in the year 2024 a large part of the population suffers from the lack of services and especially gas and electricity, the border crossings must be closed and animals continue to die in the countryside, we must reflect, not about the rigor of the climate, but about what has not been done for more than 30 years, a debt absolutely linked to politics.

The lack of planning of the cities, which have expanded demographically and have grown neighborhoods and settlements without services with a lack of electricity and water and precarious constructions, is the initial responsibility of each and every one of the mayors with the corresponding co-participation of the provincial government, as, for example, is the case of Río Gallegos, Río Turbio, 28 de Noviembre or Caleta Olivia.

That the electricity goes out every week, we do not have an alternative resource to supply energy to the cities and towns of the province, in the midst of an old wave of speeches about the enhancement of power plants, dams, rivers, winds and tides whose projects have either been delayed for 15 years or were never carried out, it is a problem whose direct responsibility lies: with the provincial governments and the national governments of the last 20 or 30 years.

That today, Saturday, June 22, 2024, but which inevitably happens every year in winter, there is no gas supply to the border crossings and Customs and Immigration must be closed, it is not possible to pass to and from Chile and we are an international shame, While we are sitting in the province with the largest amount of gas and oil in South America and one of the few reservoirs in the world, it is not a problem generated today, it dates back 30 years or more and those responsible are the political actors.

That home gas networks do not exist for 40% of the population (being moderate in the calculation) and that the border crossings do not have a gas pipeline that supplies them with this fundamental fuel to operate at an international crossing in the year 2024, does not It is a problem of the scarce 350 thousand inhabitants of Santa Cruz, it is a problem of the political class that governed the province and the Nation from the 60s until today.

Summarizing: that we are as we are today in Santa Cruz facing a harsh winter, it is not the fault of the climate, it is the direct fault of the useless, corrupt, inefficient, ignorant and thieves who governed us for the last 30 years in Santa Cruz, that is, the Kirchnerism in its various forms, faces and names, which populated the successive provincial and municipal governments, are directly responsible for our current reality, without forgetting that for 16 years the Nation-Province-Municipality line was drawn, a slogan with which they were filled the mouth, but in practice it served nothing more than to build a silver bridge that fattened the pockets of politicians. officials and businessmen, but where people continue to live as they did in the 70s, with the same shortcomings, less money in their pockets and greater needs. (OPI Agency Santa Cruz)


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