Donald Trump cries out for the vote of those he does not favor

Donald Trump cries out for the vote of those he does not favor
Donald Trump cries out for the vote of those he does not favor

Trump has spoken on rare occasions during the campaign on the termination of pregnancy, aware of how sensitive the issue is for Republicans and, especially, for the evangelical niche of the electorate, with representatives as prominent as the president of the House of Representatives. , Mike Johnson.

Trump has repeatedly said that Republicans risk losing the election if they take too strong a stance against the


Anti-immigrant policies: the ugly, dirty and bad

Trump expanded before the Christian audience against immigration, denouncing and vilifying migrants again, who, he said, are “tough” and “come from prisons, and from many other places,” ensuring that he has asked a friend his who runs the largest fighting championship in the world, creating a group of migrants to beat each other.

The loud applause came when Trump said he was going to close the Department of Education. Dismantling that ministry is not only among his measures to reduce the State, a purpose included in the transition program called Project 2025; It is also a vindication of the most conservative Christians, who accuse Washington of torpedoing faith-based education. Louisiana’s decision this week to display the Ten Commandments in all public classrooms indicates the sensitivity of this Republican current.

Donald Trump to “hunt and fish” Christians, Hispanics and blacks

The latest published poll, from NPR/PBS, shows a tie of 49% of votes between the two candidates (if the elections were held now).

The national average of polls established by FiveThirtyEight has just given a slight advantage to the Democrat for the first time this year, trailing his opponent for months. That is why in the afternoon Trump has changed the mostly white and evangelical audience for an African-American audience, leading a meeting at Temple University, a historically black area of ​​Philadelphia and a traditional Democratic fiefdom.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper, Trump obtained only 5% of the votes in the districts surrounding the campus in 2020, but black and Hispanic voters represent more than half of the population of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania — one of the swingarms or hinges—and the Republican needs to get votes. Although he has little chance of winning the city, where Biden swept four years ago, some polls now favor Trump among those two minorities. Biden has an advantage, in theory, among African Americans.

Joe Biden is the object of ridicule, in Temple

On the Temple campus, he mocked Biden’s ostracism at Camp David, confined to prepare for the debate that will be televised next Thursday; He gave no hint about his intervention and praised some independent or third-party presidential candidates, such as intellectual Cornell West and the Green Party’s Jill Stein, for taking votes away from Democrats.

At the gates of the campus, dozens of anti-Trump protesters wearing union T-shirts chanted “Lock him up!”, in reference to the recent verdict in the Stormy Daniels case.

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