Carlos Loret de Mola: The UIF, the six-year term and Latinus

Carlos Loret de Mola: The UIF, the six-year term and Latinus
Carlos Loret de Mola: The UIF, the six-year term and Latinus

The UIF has not investigated Mario Delgado’s accounts despite the King of Huachicol. Nor those of the Tamaulipas governor Américo Villarreal, much less those of the former director of Customs, Ricardo Peralta. In fact, the FIU has been stunned by the four Customs directors that President López Obrador himself fired because corruption prevails. Nor is drug money investigated in Morena’s campaigns in Guerrero, nor in Félix Salgado Macedonio nor his daughter, Governor Evelyn, despite the fact that the area’s criminal leader confessed that he gave them resources.

Olga Sánchez Cordero hid an apartment in the United States and nothing happened. Javier Jiménez Espriú did the same. Rocío Nahle’s houses, land and apartments have not warranted opening a file or freezing her accounts. Nor for Bartlett’s 23 houses, her 13 companies or the contracts to her son. Nothing about Luisa María Alcalde’s irregular building in the sought-after Roma Sur neighborhood. And the properties of Alfonso Durazo? Nobody is going to review Epigmenio Ibarra’s accounts even though he has not paid the 150 million they gave him via Bancomext, nor is there an investigation against Jenaro Villamil because he bought some antennas that do not appear.

Ignacio Ovalle continues to work in the government despite the embezzlement of 15 billion pesos in Segalmex. Has Ana Guevara already had her accounts checked after so many deviations attributed to her by world-class athletes? Why didn’t anything happen with prosecutor Gertz after all of Julio Scherer’s complaints? Why didn’t anything happen with Scherer after all of Gertz’s complaints? Nor against Zaldívar despite the recordings. And the multimillion-dollar transfers in dollars from Santiago Nieto’s brother? No one has explained the wealth of Adan Augusto or Monreal. Nor the ghost companies that spokesperson Jesús Ramírez used to divert money in the campaign. Not even the tithes that Delfina collected. Former Obrador governor Jaime Bonilla accuses Obrador governor Marina del Pilar of being a drug trafficker. She accuses him of being corrupt. Is the UIF not going to appear? Or review the accounts of Cuauhtémoc Blanco, those of Rutilio Escandón with the contracts he granted to the right arm of his deceased wife (who was a high command in the SAT!), the deviations of Murat that his now partner Salomón Jara accuses or Del Mazo’s millions in Andorra that were so outraged in Morena?

The Secretary of Defense can go on a family vacation with the public budget, no one bothers him. No one asks General Vallejo for explanations of the ghost companies they used in the construction of the AIFA.

And needless to say: there is also no UIF investigation against any of López Obrador’s children. Not even José Ramón, from the Gray House. Neither Andy nor Bobby, those from El Clan who have trafficked influences in Dos Bocas, the Mayan Train, Pemex and medicines. Nor against his cousins ​​Pedro and Osterlen Salazar Beltrán. Why haven’t they frozen the accounts of Amílcar Olán, his favorite businessman, his namesake who has become a millionaire this six-year term? There are recordings and contracts of his corruption. Román Meyer and Daniel Asaf are involved in the business of Andy and Bobby’s friends, but there is no problem. No one explained the cash that the President’s brothers, Pío and Martín, clandestinely receive on video. They said that the envelopes would reach Andrés Manuel. Nor anything against the one who sent them to them: Manuel Velasco. Not against anyone from the Green Party. Nobody bothered the President’s private secretary, Alejandro Esquer, even though he appears on video laundering cash in banks. And of course, we still do not know what López Obrador lived on during the thirteen years that he did not report income between when he was head of Government and President of Mexico.

On the other hand, as reported by journalist Peniley Ramírez in her Reforma column, “the UIF opened a new investigation, until now unpublished, against Carlos Loret, his wife, Víctor Trujillo and two Latinus companies.”

Thanks to those who have expressed their solidarity in the face of this humiliation.


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