Furia opened debate for his attitude with the dog Arturo in Big Brother 2023: the images that divided waters

Furia opened debate for his attitude with the dog Arturo in Big Brother 2023: the images that divided waters
Furia opened debate for his attitude with the dog Arturo in Big Brother 2023: the images that divided waters

Fury’s attitude with the dog Arturo in Big Brother 2023 that caused people to talk on social media

At[person]’s house Big Brother 2023 The spirits are very heated. A tremendous fight between Rage and Immanuel against the group of The Brosformed by Martin, Baptist and Nicholas, got the participant to launch a torrent of insults of all caliber against her classmates. In the midst of that clash, a reaction Juliana with Arthurthe rescued dog that entered the house, sparked debate.

The moment, which went viral on the networks and caused controversy about whether it was okay or not, has the participant yelling at the animal for its barking, in the midst of the conflict with the rest of the reality players.

“That’s it, that’s it! “Go over there!” He yells at the dog that is barking at him above the bed, while she motions for him to leave. At that moment, as usual, the transmission was cut off so that people could only find out what happened at the next gala.

Furia’s attitude in Big Brother 2023 with the dog Arturo that generated controversy (Photo: GH, Telefe)

On platform X opinions were divided. “Isn’t that a reason for expulsion?” launched a user. “If the dog tries to bite you or barks at you, it is perfectly fine to challenge him. He is a puppy and he has to learn that what he does is wrong,” said another on the social network.

“It is an animal that suffered violence! Don’t forget,” commented another. “Arturo was in bed with Chino and he jumped on Furia. All she did was give him the order to leave. The camera is cut whenever Arturo attacks someone, they did it when he attacked Darío, for example,” added another.

“How can people support this shit… of a person,” said another user. “Violent expulsion now!” followed another along the same lines. “He wanted to bite her and he just told her that! Where is the abuse?” another disagreed.

“That’s it, that’s it! “Go there!” Furia shouted at Arturo (Photo: Big Brother 2023, Telefe)

In a talk with Teleshow speak Lucas Otero, a dog trainer who went viral on the networks by questioning Arturo’s decision to enter the reality show, explained why he is against the dog being part of the program. “The human ego is satisfied over the needs of the dog,” he stated.

“I always recommend that a dog cannot be exposed to these types of situations, especially because it needs to be in a calm environment and the Big Brother house is not that,” he said.

“Arturo is a dog that suffered abuse. They can present many fears and insecurities. You have to see how you can manage that fear or insecurity towards unknown people. That’s when an alarm went off that a completely conscious message was not being given. Although it is about promoting adoption, I do not think it is being done in a responsible way,” analyzed the specialist.

Furia once again generated debate for his behavior with Arturo in Big Brother 2023 (Photo: GH, Telefe)

“If we adopt a dog that has been a victim of abuse, or one that has not, that may come home with very high stress levels and fears, the first thing we have to offer it is a quiet space. Wait for the dog to gain confidence, for him to get to know the place and create a bond with us,” the influencer advised.

“Leave him alone, keep the levels of demand low at the beginning, but do indicate what the rules of coexistence of the house are, always in a friendly way and at the same time satisfying the needs of that individual who arrives at home. Each dog is a world, each dog experienced different situations and you have to adapt to that,” he recommended.

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