These are the ministers of President Gustavo Petro’s cabinet with the lowest budget execution in 2024

These are the ministers of President Gustavo Petro’s cabinet with the lowest budget execution in 2024
These are the ministers of President Gustavo Petro’s cabinet with the lowest budget execution in 2024

If it is about complying with what was recently said by the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, to make changes in the ministries of his cabinet that are most hung up on its executionthree portfolios should set off their alarms: Equality and Equity, Sports and the Ministry of the Environment.

According to the criteria of

These entities, in addition to the Casa de Nariño itself, are the ones that have the least movement of their resources to date, with figures below 10 percent already in the first half of 2024.

The data, which can be consulted both by sector and by entity individually, show that, ornOnce again, the Equality and Equity portfolio, with 0.62 percent execution, is the weakest of all. To date, out of a budget of 1.8 billion pesos, it has only committed 11.19 billion.

Of this execution, the items that have moved the most are those that have to do with the Ministry’s payroll: 5,351 million in salary payments, 2,000 million in contributions inherent to the payroll and 315 million pesos in remunerations that do not constitute a salary factor.

Regarding the investment budget, it is striking that There are projects that do not even appear, to date, with assigned economic items.

They are the ones who have to deal with “implementation of actions that contribute to the effective exercise of the rights of the national LGBTIQ+ population”, which refers to the improvement of the conditions of the population with disabilities, lThe rights programs for caregivers and solutions for access to water and basic sanitation.

Regarding Minigualdad, it is striking that there are projects that do not even appear, to date, with assigned economic items.

According to figures from the Ministry of Finance, Mindeporte has executed 8.25 percent of an allocation of 1.3 billion pesos. That corresponds to payments of 96,976 million.

Items like support for highly competitive national sports infrastructure, which has barely executed 0.38 percent of an allocation of 422 million pesos and programs to promote physical activity for boys and girls at the national levell, with barely 1 percent executed of a total of 87 billion pesos allocated, appear with the most hanging in that portfolio.

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development It is the third with the least budget used as of May of this year. According to PTE data, it shows an execution percentage of 9.17 percent.

That is, so far it has used 107 billion pesos of a total budget of 1.2 billion pesos. The most ‘hung’ investment items in execution, with zero resources used, are those linked to the Fund for Life and Biodiversity, whichIt has allocated 878 billion pesos and support money to the Regional Autonomous Corporations, which totals 34 billion pesos. See in this graph the execution of all the ministries.

Presidency, with low execution too

President Petro has already announced that there will be a ministerial shake-up.

Photo:Alexa Rochi – Presidency of the Republic

But in addition to these ministries, it is striking that the Presidency of the Republic, particularly the execution that has to do with its Administrative Department also shows an execution level of less than 10 percent of its total resources.

To date, data from the Ministry of Finance show that the Presidency has used resources of 94,995 million pesos of a budget item worth 1.1 billion pesos for this year.

Of that money, there are three investment projects that show zero percent budget activity so far. One is that of “support for financial management for the development of programs and projects for the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement”, which has been allocated 107 million pesos. Another is the “consolidation of comprehensive action against antipersonnel mines at the national level,” with resources of 7,395 million pesos.

The same thing happens with the contribution “to promote environmental and socioeconomic sustainability in the PDET municipalities and territories affected by the national conflict“, a project in which none of the resources available for 49 billion pesos have been used

The ministries with the best execution

In contrast to the low execution, There are three ministries that already have percentages of execution and use of their resources above 40 percent of their budget. They are the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and the MinTic.

In the case of the Minsalud, the portfolio chaired by Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo has committed resources worth 27.2 billion pesos out of a total of 59.5 billion. The investment project that has the most execution is the one that seeks to “increase actions to promote health and prevent disease in the population of the national territory.” which has already used 54 percent of its resources worth 843 billion pesos.

In second place in execution is the Ministry of Education, led by Aurora Vergara, who It already has an execution of 42.7 percent of a purse of 62 billion pesos. This corresponds to 26.3 billion pesos.

And one of the projects with the best execution percentage, with 52 percent of the total resources worth 2.8 billion pesos, is the one that seeks the “implementation of the free policy and strategies for financing access, permanence and graduation of students in national higher education.

And the third ministry with the best execution is that of Information Technologies, led by Mauricio Lizcano, which has already spent resources for 981 billion of a total of 4.1 billion of the budget, which is equivalent to 42 percent of the available resources.

Shakeup is coming in the presidential cabinet

The execution data becomes relevant after the previous week, in the middle of a state visit to Sweden, President Gustavo Petro will confirm that changes are coming within the Government and that they will be focused on improving the execution and progress of government projects and programs.

In this regard, Petro pointed out that the main criterion for making the shakeup in his closest team will be to review “who have been able to carry the change forward and who have not been able to because privileges have prevented them from doing so. “You have to evaluate.”

He also added that the change “has to do above all with the fact that we are in the middle of the government and we have to make an evaluation,” although he made it clear that the evaluation criteria for how they have executed will be different from what has been seen in previous administrations.

“Execution as measured by accounting is superior in previous governments, I don’t like that execution because it means passing money to the banks. I measure execution in another way, how many people have been positively impacted by the government money.” he said at that time.

Regarding possible names, he only announced that The current Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonilla, nor the economic team that is in office will not be touched.


Data Unit TIME

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