Colombian slit throat in Barcelona had tried to avoid u

Colombian slit throat in Barcelona had tried to avoid u
Colombian slit throat in Barcelona had tried to avoid u

The 26-year-old Colombian man fatally stabbed this Monday, June 24, in Barcelona (northeast of Spain) had previously tried to prevent the alleged perpetrator of the homicide from robbing his sister, according to investigations by the regional police of Catalonia.

The events occurred in the early hours of Monday, during the night of the San Juan festival, in the coastal neighborhood of Barceloneta, one of the busiest in the city during these celebrations, one of the most popular in the Catalan capital.

Sources close to the case explained that the homicide occurred in the context of a theft crime.

The victim realized that his sister was about to be robbed, and when he approached to help her, the aggressor cut the throat of the young Colombian, who died instantly.

Subsequently, Urban Police officers patrolling the area arrested the alleged aggressor.

After the crime, the police took over the investigation to clarify the facts.

In the early hours of June 23 to 24, thousands of people celebrate the night of Juan along the entire east coast of Spain, with bonfires and festivals on the beaches.

In Barcelona alone, some 70,000 people celebrated this party, the Barcelona city council reported this past Monday and, except for the death of this young man, the incidents were “minimal”, according to the source.

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