Generation V: Deiras – Valencia Plaza

Generation V: Deiras – Valencia Plaza
Generation V: Deiras – Valencia Plaza

VALENCIA. In Culturplaza We have set ourselves a challenge: to portray those young creators who shape the new Valencian culture. A Generation V that has arrived, not only to stay, but to shake everything. It’s time to play this particular ‘Who’s who’. Today: Deiras.


-April 29, 1995.


-Painter, illustrator and dichotomy cosmonaut

-Moment when you knew you wanted to dedicate yourself to it:

-Although art has always accompanied me, it took me a while to realize that I wanted to dedicate myself to it. The key moment was when I was finishing the gender equality promotion cycle and, every morning, on the way to the internship center, I passed in front of the UPV on a bicycle and saw the people from Fine Arts with those spectacular paintings. and plane holders coming out of the tram. I always thought: “Oh, how lucky, I wish I was!” And that’s how I decided to enter the race and dedicate myself 100% to it.

-Tell us everything we need to know about your creative project in a Tweet:

-What encourages my creative project is constant exploration, the themes I deal with are identity, vulnerability and the depth of human emotions through vibrant colors and varied techniques. Currently, I am undertaking the Dona Veu project, an illustrated campaign that aims to promote the illustrious women of Valencia.

-If your biography were published tomorrow, what title would it have?

-What I have painted inside.

-What would you ask a crystal ball?

– Dear, when is a little stability?

-An album, movie/series and book:

-Disco: I’m looped with Pilgrimage Manual by Rodrigo Cuevas. Movie: November. Series: Madrid burns. Book: The last book that stole my heart was I sing and the mountain dances of Irene Solà.

-Artistic/professional moment “earth swallow me”:

-When presenting the first individual exhibition in my town, the emotion and nerves got the best of me and I started crying my eyes out, it was a total picture… but tender.

-To which artist would you dedicate a street:

-To mine, Carmen, for being a fighter and for the moments of laughter she gives me.

-What are your most used emojis?

-How/where do you see yourself in 10 years?

-I want to see myself living off my artistic projects, living with my furry friends in a small garden house/studio where the blackbirds can be heard and I can have a guardian goose.

-Three accounts of Valencian creators that we SHOULD follow on social media:

-To the friend, artist and total diva @alexandra_rp also to the talented @aquacaeli who makes magic with her camera and the great paste up artist @sea_art_valencia.

-Complete the sentence: Generation V is…

-The crying generation will continue, the one that begins to have a serious problem with succulents and the one that scratches their dreams with gel nails.

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