Books in Aragon | Paco Paricio discovers ‘The secrets of the puppeteer’

Books in Aragon | Paco Paricio discovers ‘The secrets of the puppeteer’
Books in Aragon | Paco Paricio discovers ‘The secrets of the puppeteer’

Paco Paricio discovers ‘The secrets of the puppeteer’THE NEWSPAPER

It has no trap or cardboard. Quite the opposite of his puppet shows, which the more innocent they seem, the deeper they are. Pure seal of Puppeteers of Binéfar, that company that loves the game so much and invites you to participate in it from a didactic perspective. A luxury for this community and for the entire world. One of its founders along with Pilar Amorós, Paco Paricio, speaks clearly in the introduction of this book: «Below I explain the tricks that I have learned in my puppeteering life, most of the time by observing the teachers with whom I I have lived together. In ‘The secrets of the puppeteer (or how to move a puppeteer)’, Paco Paricio brings out his most didactic vein (this is what comes from pedagogy) to show the world the difficulty of a job that is equally beautiful as it is important for society.

The Abizanda Puppet House celebrates two decades of life and, within its celebrations, Paco Paricio is going to launch a series of publications about the profession that, in line with the line of the first work, functions as the legacy of someone who loves his profession above all things.

An authentic legacy

With ‘The secrets of the puppeteer’, Paco Paricio leaves a legacy that must be read as something much more than a manual because, as a dominator of the profession, The man from Huesca not only explains the work tool but with that theoretical background that he has almost half a century of experience (what artist do we have in Aragon who can say the same?) he explains the essence and spirit that any artist must have.. It’s not just about telling the stories but about how to do it and, above all, about mastering the game (we always return to the game in life) to be able to get to where we want to go.

As if that were not enough, the book is accompanied by more than a hundred illustrations that, as he himself says, “serve to explain the tricks,” those that make the difference between just another artist or a recognized and reputed puppeteer.

At the service of the game

There are eleven chapters into which this volume has been divided, which are the following: ‘Some basic questions’, ‘States of mind’, ‘Animation tricks’, ‘Bocones’, ‘Stand dolls’, ‘Voices’, ‘Creation of scenes’, ‘The altarpiece’, ‘Scenography’, ‘Supports’ and ‘The function’. It is no coincidence, by the way, that the last section of ‘The Function’ talks about the audience, a fundamental piece in this type of show and in the career of this company from Huesca.

In this book everything is at the service of teaching, from a past as a teacher a puppeteer emerged. And his art has been enjoyed by entire generations who, from the kindness of the puppet, have understood what life is and, above all, a lot about the values ​​of a society. But words are no longer needed, As Paco Paricio himself says, “I give you some advice: play! Play a lot with the puppets, looking for that situation of enjoyment and complicity that is always the most creative.”. And I still dare to say something else, the small text that Pilar Amorós dedicates to Paco Paricio is beautiful. With everything he distills, many things are understood.


Paco Paricio

Editorial Puppeteers of Binéfar

130 pages

10 euros

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