the Spanish brand of disruptive cosmetics committed to sustainability – Corresponsables

the Spanish brand of disruptive cosmetics committed to sustainability – Corresponsables
the Spanish brand of disruptive cosmetics committed to sustainability – Corresponsables

In a market as saturated and complicated as that of cosmetics, there is a Spanish brand that is marking its own path, started from an NGO, Trees 4 Humanity.

Although in the 21st century the brands of cosmetic (and companies in general) must position themselves clearly in terms of sustainable commitment; this commitment is often difficult for the consumer to detect. However, sustainability can be very attractive, as demonstrated by the Spanish Glessy, who avoids frivolity and bases her positioning on bold colors and provocative messages aimed at those people who seek lasting and sustainable beauty from the inside out.

Founded and directed by Marina Léon and Fernando Cervigón, this new cosmetics brand is born from the heart of Trees 4 Humanitya NGO that is in charge of various projects in the environmental area and of which they are also founders. The idea was to create a project that could financially support Trees 4 Humanity and generate synergies, so that both brands work for the same objectives and with the same vision: recover biodiversity, reforest degraded areas, look for alternatives to microplastics, fight against the drought…

Based on their own experience, its founders sought to offer cosmetics free of chemicals and toxins that were respectful of our body, the planet and the people who live on it.

Priorities and commitments

One of Glessy’s priorities is generate job opportunities for more than 1,500 women at risk of exclusion, women who are the pillar of their families in various regions of Africa. Specifically, these women carry out an innovative reforestation project in which plastics are eliminated through a novel system of biodegradable pots in Uganda and Kenya.

The commitment of Glessy for save ecosystems It is not only economical (since part of the profits are allocated), but they also actively work to offset emissions through the calculation of the carbon footprint. This is done from production to shipping, in order to use the lowest impact processes in each phase to become carbon neutral. Glessy has set the goal of reforesting 40,000 trees by 2024 in different parts of the planet (from Cantabria to Uganda or Kenya).

By getting directly involved in the projects, the brand manages to optimize resources and improve the quality of the impact on the ground. Glessy identifies with conscious cosmetics and seeks to demonstrate that natural ingredients are not just a luxury, but are compatible with the expression of modern cosmetics, without being exclusive to the most activist profiles.

It is a resounding commitment to the planet, high-quality organic ingredients and social commitment. Three fundamental principles for a brand that combines sustainability with a disruptive design, with hooligan names, striking colors and fun phrases (such as “Sexy as F*uck”, “Glow Tonic”, “Don’t be a Sugar Mama” or “Dancing What in”) with which they intend to change the rules of the game.

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