Thelma Fardin’s open letter after the conviction of Juan Darthés and the messages of support from celebrities

Thelma Fardin’s open letter after the conviction of Juan Darthés and the messages of support from celebrities
Thelma Fardin’s open letter after the conviction of Juan Darthés and the messages of support from celebrities

Thelma Fardin’s letter after the conviction of Juan Darthés and the messages of support from the famous women

A few hours after the ruling of the Brazilian justice system that condemned Juan Darthés to 6 years in prison in a semi-open regime, Thelma Fardin He held a press conference where he shared his happiness, through tears, at the sentence the actor received. Still sensitized, the actress made an open letter on her networks where she remembered the most difficult moments she went through.

Figures like Natalia Oreiro, Mercedes Morán, Dolores Fonzi, Nancy Dupláa, Inés Estevez, among others, they shared their happiness at the resolution. In addition, other actors such as her ex-boyfriend Juan Guilera, Tomás Fonzi, Facundo Arana, Andy Kusnetzoff, Guillermo Pfening, in a post that the actress titled as “We are no longer silent. Thanks for much love”.

Thank you to all the people who dared to tell their stories, thank you for your courage, thank you for your demonstrations of love, when we met on the street. After my complaint, calls to 144 increased by 1,200 percent. Today, faced with the new reality, I wonder where the people who feel the courage and the need to speak are going to call,” Thelma said, along with a photo that captured her emotion upon learning of the ruling.


“Today we finally have a message against impunity, but we know that it is not the reality in most cases. Today in Argentina only 15% of complaints achieve a conviction and in Latin America the figure is sadder, only 1%. Of course there is no one who wants to undergo such a exhausting, painful and exhausting process for fun, it is aberrant that they can even imagine something like that. What there is is a still deficient system. And to change it, we are going to continue working. Today with a share of hope,” she wrote, about the scandalous figures in the region.

“THANK YOU. Thanks to all the people who accompanied me, to all those who believed me, supported me, sustained me. Those who saw my pain up close, and helped me move forward. I never sought revenge, I wanted to give justice and reparation to that girl I was. “I wanted to be able to look my children in the eyes and tell them that I did everything I could to make the world I brought them into more fair,” she said.

Natalia Oreiro wrote a message to Thelma Fardin after the Brazilian justice condemned Juan Darthés (Photo: Instagram/ @soythelmafardin)
Natalia Oreiro wrote a message to Thelma Fardin after the Brazilian justice condemned Juan Darthés (Photo: Instagram/ @soythelmafardin)

“Today this is a message of hope for all the people who suffered and are currently suffering violence. It is the hope that justice can come. No matter how powerful the person is, no matter how much complicity they find on the part of the system. They told me to go to court, and I went, I traveled from end to end, I traveled to Nicaragua, I underwent endless tests. We had to seek justice in Brazil where my abuser fled.. “We resorted to international cooperation and today we achieved a historic ruling that sets a precedent for many other victims,” he said.

“But we build justice together, that is why it is essential that If someone tells you their story, their pain, don’t judge them, don’t hold them responsible.. We need empathy and lovingness to allow more people to speak. Prejudices have always been about the victims, when the judgment should only be about the perpetrators. Justice is often not restorative, that is why the social fabric must be,” she highlighted, while dedicating a special paragraph to the feminist struggle.

Some of the famous people who left a message to Thelma Fardin after the sentence that condemned Juan Darthés
Some of the famous people who left a message to Thelma Fardin after the sentence that condemned Juan Darthés

Thanks to the enormous women’s movement I dared to denounce, that was the tool that allowed me to get out of a well of anguish and pain that did not allow me to continue with my life fully. We are still there, we continue working and trying to support as many people as we can, although it is not our obligation, but we are convinced that we must contribute to a healthier society,” he highlighted.

“Despite having received operations calling me a ‘thief’ to distance me from people’s empathy, in a context of so much need, the truth is that we got here without economic tools, but surrounded by the good will of an entire team that believed in my word,” she highlighted, to mention the team that accompanied her in the cause that began in December 2018.

The open letter that Thelma Fardin wrote after the conviction of Juan Darthés
The open letter that Thelma Fardin wrote after the conviction of Juan Darthés

“Thank you infinitely to my lawyer Carla Junqueira and my lawyer Martin Arias Duval for so much dedication. Thanks to the invaluable Amnesty International team, with its own name; Luli Galkin, Paola García Rey, Laura Duran, Mariela Belski and many more. Thanks to Mariela Labozzetta for your support, thanks Luis Lozano for always having the right word. And especially to Luciana Peker, for having resisted so many attacks and continuing to stand by my side,” he wrote.

“Thank you to those who dared to speak and allowed me to break the silence. Thanks to my colleagues who never abandoned me despite being victims of grievances and defamation. Despite attempts to tear me down, and through me many others, There were millions of people who said WE ARE NOT SILENT ANYMORE”, he concluded.

Nancy Dupláa, Gloria Carrá, Mercedes Morán, Julieta Díaz, among others, left messages of support for Thelma Fardin
Nancy Dupláa, Gloria Carrá, Mercedes Morán, Julieta Díaz, among others, left messages of support for Thelma Fardin

Among the thousands of comments that Thelma received and expressions of affection, those from some of her colleagues stood out. “Always with you”, Natalia Oreiro put in the post she made. Nancy Dupláa, Mercedes Morán, Dolores Fonzi and Julieta Díaz celebrated the event with emojis, while other messages were surprising, such as that of Jana Maradona. “Thank you Thelma for your bravery, you changed a little piece of your world and a lot of ours”he commented.

“Thank you always, Thelma! I hug you tight!” Carla Conte left him. “Infinite hug, Thel,” said Inés Estevez, who joined other demonstrations of joy from Facundo Arana, Maite Lanata, Marcela Coronel, Flor Moyano, Tupac Larriera, Juan Otero, Miss Bolivia, Fernanda Metilli, and more.

Carla Conte, Maite Lanata, Miss Bolivia, dedicated words of love to Thelma Fardin. Andy Kusnetzoff, Facundo Arana, Juan Guilera and Tomás Fonzi also joined
Carla Conte, Maite Lanata, Miss Bolivia, dedicated words of love to Thelma Fardin. Andy Kusnetzoff, Facundo Arana, Juan Guilera and Tomás Fonzi also joined
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