Luis Antonio Ruiz celebrates his return to television and dreams of ringing the bell of victory against cancer: ‘Now I feel in my ‘papayal” | People | Entertainment

Luis Antonio Ruiz celebrates his return to television and dreams of ringing the bell of victory against cancer: ‘Now I feel in my ‘papayal” | People | Entertainment
Luis Antonio Ruiz celebrates his return to television and dreams of ringing the bell of victory against cancer: ‘Now I feel in my ‘papayal” | People | Entertainment

Luis Antonio Ruiz He is back on television, after six months of retiring from Teleamazonas, where he worked for 17 years. Journalist celebrates its return in a new television homeEcuavisa, where this Monday, June 10, it had its official debut in the morning In contact.

In an interview with EL UNIVERSO, Ruiz, 48, reveals that the interesting thing about the project in the ‘canal del cerro’ was what motivated him to accept this proposal, since he had already made up his mind not to work in the area again. traditional television. “I had said that I was no longer going to do television anymore, that for me that sense had ended, but in truth the community social service proposal was so interesting, first because it is my thing and second because there are projects, there are plans that visualize concretions in social behaviors that interest me a lot, with which I have always identified myself,” declares the journalist.

“Ecuavisa is a good screen, and they are also going to give me ideas, in the projections, in the campaigns, in the guidelines to be able to achieve these objectives,” he says.

Luis Antonio Ruiz, Ecuadorian journalist. Photo: Courtesy

He admits that this time away from a television house allowed him to reflect on his journalistic profession, the same one that he has exercised from various angles. “I have developed throughout my entire professional career in politics, in economics, I worked in the presidency of the Republic, I worked in the Assembly and I did like it, but I have never felt so good as in community service. Contact with people, learning their goodness, their virtues, for me is also feedback. “I already missed that,” reveals.

“Now I sit in my ‘papayal’, I’m back to my thing, I’m back in contact with people, I am internalizing again, discovering virtues, also defects, but I am left with the good,” he mentions.

What do you think about a matinee having its community space?

Well, first of all it is very necessary, it is the complement to any news format. In our daily life, 70% of our interactions are communal, so there is a lot to exploit there, there is a long way to go and our society is returning to the community, to the neighborhood; It is returning to the basics and the simple. And I believe that with a little effort we are going to discover another world full of possibilities, which is the world of community.

What will your participation be like within In contact?

Well, we are going to have an interrelationship between the entire team to provide better community service. We are going to internalize the neighborhoods, we are going to try to understand the problems of certain communities, certain societies, to specify paths of coexistence, that is all we lack.

Our city, despite any problem, crime, is a good society, we must channel all that good vibe, so that it results in something positive, something useful.

Are you going to have outings in the neighborhoods?

Clear. It is part of community service to be in the neighborhood, to be in the communities, serving, listening, caring, it is essential and I love it.

Luis Antonio Ruiz, Ecuadorian journalist. Photo: Courtesy

In this new segment, will Luis Antonio maintain his essence when saying what he thinks?

Completely! Because it wouldn’t be me, it’s that simple. I believe that the time has come for people to say things as they are, or at least as we believe they should be, because we also have that right.

It is important to contribute, it is important to contribute to our reality, presenting perspectives from the most logical, most sensible reality that is coexistence, so that we understand what is happening and can make decisions on the fly.

No filters?

No, nothing. On my new channel I haven’t been told about that either, they have given me complete freedom to be me on stage.

How has the public’s response been after your return to TV?

I knew that I was known, that I was distinguished, but I didn’t imagine that I was so loved. There is a lot of love, there is a lot of affection. There are also opponents, but they are the minority, they are being defeated, they know it.

How do you deal with those types of comments?

Before, I responded from point to point, from my perspective, but then I realized that it is in vain, because these people are already contaminated, they are already damaged. And I am not a psychologist, I am not a priest, much less a doctor of counsel, everything simply falls into place.

Believe me, it gives me this compassion, because I imagine that behind those lives there has been a terrible happiness, that is, not combining, not coming together in good things. It only shows us that there are people who are very mentally tormented, that there is a lot of pain, and that makes me very sad, but I am going to continue.

His time is tight, he also works at We Canal and Radio WQ. How do you distribute your agenda?

Look, I’m scared because at any moment my doctor is going to call me and I’m already hearing her say, ‘How are you?’ How’s your time?’, and she’s going to realize that my work has quadrupled. Then she will say, ‘I told you that we didn’t talk about that, we were very clear, you committed to freeing yourself from the burden, because your problem in many ways is emotional. A trigger can generate misfortune.’ I already hear it

Luis Antonio Ruiz, Ecuadorian journalist. Photo: Ronald Cedeno

And how is your health progressing?

Very good! I had my last checkup a month ago. I already go for reviews once a year and it will be like this for three or four more years. Before it was every three months, then every six months.

Does that mean that next year you will have a new check-up at the Murcia hospital?

I now have to travel once a year for my checkups. But regardless of compliance with my medical protocol, I will always return to Murcia. I feel like more of a Mediterranean Spaniard. I identify a lot with that city, its people, its history. There I fought the battle of my life and was born again. So I will carry her in my heart like another Murcian. I will always come back because, in addition, I have excellent friends who I consider family.

As a cancer survivor. Do you think this illness has made you more vulnerable with people?

You have no idea. The Luis Antonio of now is not the same as he was 6, 7 years ago. Now I internalize, now I reflect a lot on the idea of ​​people’s suffering., of pain, of their circumstances. It is a challenge for me to understand the reason for each behavior. And everything for me is summed up in a fact that is also wonderful: we are infinitely sentimental human beings. Success, the good thing is directing that feeling, that love, that sweetness, that tenderness for the better.

What do you imagine that moment will be like when you ring the victory bell?

It will be a moment of great nostalgia. For everything that this represents: the end of a fierce fight for which I suffered and sacrificed a lot. But at the end of the day, a new opportunity that opened my eyes to a reality that I would not have known if I had not lived the experience. It will be the moment of more sensations and sensitivities due to everything that the process meant, at the end of the day a fight against myself.

What else does Luis Antonio dream of?

I feel that in the professional field I am better than ever. On a personal level I would like to have my family with me again. 7 months ago, my family and I made the decision for my nephews to go live abroad (with their parents) where they can grow or develop fully without risks and fear of insecurity. It hurts me not to have them but I am very pleased to know that there are no risks there. (YO)

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