These were the messages from celebrities for Father’s Day – GENTE Online

These were the messages from celebrities for Father’s Day – GENTE Online
These were the messages from celebrities for Father’s Day – GENTE Online

On Sunday, June 16, at Father’s day, a large number of celebrities expressed a few words on Instagram, both for their parents and for the parents of their children. Some celebrated with them, while others took advantage of social networks to send a message to those who are no longer here.

At the end of April, Andy Kusnetzoff He lost his father, Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff. This is why, for Father’s first day without him, the driver decided to share a tender post on his social networks. “When I was 21, I was hospitalized for internal bleeding for 2 months. Things didn’t look good and my dad accompanied me all those nights,” he explained.

“Now recovered, he gave me a text that describes him completely. Warm, cultured, affectionate, wise,” said Andy. Then he expressed: “On this first Father’s Day without his physical presence, I share it. Happy day Dad“.

Andy Kusnetzoff with his father Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff.

“Paternity: For Andrés, thinking of José Pedroni. And one day, one sweet day, with gentle pain, you will heal alone like a tree in the wind. And it will be the joy of looking into your eyes, into the eyes of your son, and find your blue, blue, deep, scorpian look. Giving me back the light returning from the infernal shadows of nothing. One night in October 92. Looking at you, Dad,” said the text that the driver shared on his social networks.

The text that Juan Carlos Kusnetzoff gave to Andy Kusnetzoff years ago.

The China Suarez took advantage of this special day to wish a happy day to Nicolás Cabré and Benjamin Vicuña, the parents of their children. The thing is, first he uploaded a postcard of Nicolás with Rufina baby, and then one of Benjamín with Magnolia and Amancio upa. Then the actress wrote: “How lucky my children were with the parents they have. We will always be family and I am proud of what we achieved.”

China Suárez’s greeting to Nicolás Cabré for Father’s Day.
The tender postcard with which China Suárez greeted Benjamín Vicuña for Father’s Day.
China Suárez’s message about Father’s Day.

Weeks ago, Ronen Suarc He learned the sad news of his father’s tragic death. This is why, on this special day, the journalist decided to upload a moving post to his Instagram account, with some photos and a message for his father.

Today, almost two months after you made the worst decision of your life, I choose to remember you as until the last moment, smiling, always talking about interesting things, conversations that we had very long and with a lot of humor. You were thus an upright man of impeccable honesty, those are values ​​that I will never forgetr”, the journalist began by expressing.

Then, he added: “That light, that intelligence, that smile went out recently and you didn’t have the tools to get ahead. You made the worst decision, but I respect it and I will surely understand you at some point in life. Thank you for being my dad and you will always live in me“.

“This is my first Father’s Day without his physical presence and without being able to have those beautiful conversations. I love you, wherever you are, know it“, he concluded by expressing in the video. In turn, in the post he added: “Always talk about mental health and if you need to share your stories, I am here to always listen to you. I love you so much”.

Sabrina Garciarena She also took advantage of this special day to share a tender message for her husband and father of her children, German Paoloski. “Happy Father’s Day! What makes you happiest is being a dad and it is also your best version. We love you! Sabry, León, Beltrán and Mía,” wrote the actress, along with some postcards with the driver and her children. her.

Germán Paoloski with his daughter.
The tender family postcard from Germán Paoloski and Sabrina Garciarena.

In May, Cristina Perez He lost his dad and on his first Father’s Day without him he decided to share a tender photo and a message. “Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I know you hug me from heaven. I love you,” said the host.

The tender photo of Cristina Pérez with her father.

Throughout this year, Indiana Cubero He was living with his father, Fabian Cubero and Mica Viciconte. This is why the young woman is increasingly close to her father, and she took advantage of this day to share her affection on social networks. Through a story with a collage with different photos, Indiana wrote: “Happy father’s day, I love you millions“.

The story of Indiana Cubero for Fabián Cubero on Father’s Day.

Since Diego Maradona passed away, his children take advantage of every opportunity to remember him and express their love. The same thing happened this Sunday, when Dalma Maradona He uploaded a story with the former soccer player and wished him a happy Father’s Day.

Dalma Maradona wished Diego Maradona a happy Father’s Day.

Whenever he can, Marcelo Tinelli is very close to his children. This is why, on this special day, both Cande and Mica expressed a few words to him on social networks. Along with a photo of her wedding, Candelaria wrote: “Thank you for believing in me and always supporting me in my craziness and desires. Thank you for listening to me whenever I needed it and advising me from the heart. Thank you for letting me be.”

“Thank you for letting me choose and supporting me in all my decisions. Thank you for holding my hand in very ugly moments of my life and the same in very beautiful moments. I know that you are always there to listen to me and help me in any way you can. You are a great father, you were always very present, you gave me a lot of time. I love you, happy day,” the young woman concluded.

Quickly, the driver shared the story and expressed his emotion: “Oh you made me cry a lot my ruby There is no more beautiful time than the one I can spend and have spent with you. You always brighten my life, I love you daughter.”

Candelaria Tinelli moved Marcelo Tinelli on Father’s Day.

Mica Tinelli joined the greetings for her father and uploaded a story with a photo hugging the famous driver. “Happy day dad, thank you for your love, your generosity, for always being there and being such a partner. For teaching me such important things in life. For giving me four brothers that I love with my life,” she commented.

“Tanks, Love of my life. My first daughter, my partner. Proud to have a daughter like you. I love you very much,” Marcelo expressed for his daughter. He then shared another photo that Mica uploaded, in which Tinelli was with her five children, and commented: “I deeply love my 5 children. “I love being their father, who teaches me every day.”

Mica Tinelli dedicated some tender words to her father.
The tender postcard of Marcelo Tinelli with his five children.

Yanina Latorre He wished Happy Father’s Day to Diego Latorre sharing a tender postcard with his followers, in which the former soccer player was holding his dog.

Yanina Latorre’s message for Diego Latorre.

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