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What is SIBO and how to detect if you suffer from this disease

What is SIBO and how to detect if you suffer from this disease
What is SIBO and how to detect if you suffer from this disease

Daniela Castro, cook and former member of Brave Landsurprised his followers after revealing that he underwent an examination for the gastrointestinal problems he has had.

On his Instagram account, The former reality girl revealed that she is waiting for the results to identify if she has SIBO, disease that affects the small intestine.

What is SIBO?

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, better known as SIBO, is a disorder characterized by the excessive presence of bacteria in the small intestine.

As the site describes ENDOCSNormally these bacteria should not be in that area, but in the large intestine.

It can be caused by several factors, such as experiencing complications after abdominal surgery. Some pathologies such as Crohn’s disease, drugs that reduce intestinal motility and having structural defects in the small intestine are other factors that could cause it.

The gastroenterologist María Carolina Conlon explained to Infobae that SIBO manifests itself in a variable way in each case. The most recurrent symptoms are “from abdominal pain and distension, bloating, flatulence, fatigue, diarrhea and constipation to nutrient malabsorption”.

It has also been identified that other signs are loss of appetite, involuntary weight loss and the feeling of satiety after eating, it indicates. Mayo Clinic.

SIBO affects the small intestine.

Patients suffering from this syndrome could face several health complications. Because fats are not absorbed correctly, this also affects the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K.

As time passes, the excessive proliferation of bacteria also causes poor calcium absorption, which could trigger bone pathologies.

How SIBO is detected

If you suspect that you may suffer from this pathology due to the presence of one or more symptoms, it is essential to consult with a specialist to receive a clear diagnosis.

The most common method to identify if there is SIBO is the exhaled air testwhich measures the amount of gas produced after eating a carbohydrate, such as lactose, fructose or glucose.

“You blow in a special way in a laboratory and there they tell you, after measuring the amount of hydrogen and after evaluating the amount of other substances that can really give you the idea of ​​what you may have, if you have or you do not have this condition,” Dr. Alberto Cormillot told Infobae.

The treatment to combat this disease includes use of antibiotics which must be prescribed by the doctor. These are intended to achieve remission of bacteria in the small intestine.

Diet is another key aspect to confront SIBO, considering that there are some foods that could worsen symptoms, as well as others that are capable of replenishing the intestinal microbiota. Given this, what is usually recommended to patients with this syndrome is to apply a low FODMAP diet, which seeks to exclude components such as fermentables, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, sugars and polyalcohols from the diet.

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