Generational change is the great challenge of rural medicine

The generational change is the great challenge of rural medicine, as the representatives of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), that celebrates in A Coruña its 30th National Congress. In the symposium ‘Vanguard Skills in Rural Medicine: Navigating the Challenges of the 21st Century’, the main future challenges have been analyzed. The SEMG estimates that in the next five years about 2,500 doctors will retire or leave these positions. They have participated in this table Pilar Rodríguez Ledo, president of SEMG, and Keith Albert Foo Gil, president of SEMG-Galicia. Furthermore, he has also participated as a speaker Hermenegildo Marcos Carreras, 1st vice president of the European Union of Family Doctors (UEMO).

Challenges of rural medicine

Keith Albert Foo, also president of the Organizing Committee of the A Coruña Congress, recalled some data from a survey carried out by the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC). According to him, “uninspiring percentages” were obtained. Thus, 80% of doctors who practice in rural areas consider that they do not receive any type of recognition for occupying positions that are difficult to fill, and 27% are waiting for a transfer competition to occupy a position in another area. From SEMG, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo and Keith Albert Foo have proposed various “strategic lines” in the rural environment to try to strengthen doctors in these positions. Specifically, they have referred to the proposal to link resident doctors for at least two years in rural centers. “We are very sensitive to the values ​​and problems of rural medicine,” Rodríguez Ledo stated before journalists. According to her, she has previously worked for 17 years “in the most rural area of ​​Galicia.” “In fact, during the next four OPEs, my place was still deserted.” Among other difficulties, she has pointed out the distances from the nearest hospital and the problems of conciliation. “The rural doctor not only consults, but also carries out many community actions. In the rural environment, the doctor is an essential figure. We address health, not disease, and promote healthy lifestyles. All these values ​​are represented by rural medicine.”

The digitalization of rural medicine

Another topic addressed in the Congress that began this Wednesday in A Coruña was that of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the president, it is necessary to take advantage of the advantages it brings. “We do not want AI to replace us as doctors, we want to see our patients and for AI to help us reduce bureaucracy, without losing empathy, the analysis of the disease within a social context and within a family and community environment ”.

Restructuring in Primary centers

In her speech, the president called for “a general rethinking” of care and a “restructuring” in Primary Care centers. “We doctors have to act as doctors, because we are not bureaucrats or transporters.” Thus, she has also pointed out that the health centers, inaugurated 20 and 30 years ago, continue to function the same as in their origin, despite the fact that circumstances have evolved considerably. In this sense, she has demanded “more resources” to be able to serve the population. Likewise, Foo Gil has pointed out that there is a lack of knowledge and recognition of rural medicine. “It is the great unknown, despite its advantages, such as proximity. There should be more resources to implement telemedicine. “Digital transformation needs to be promoted.” Regarding the medical professional who covers a rural position, the president of SEMG-Galicia has regretted that there is a lack of “recognition and support.” “The prestige of these doctors must be recognized and they should be rewarded based on their skills,” he added.

III Asomega Rural Scholarship SEMG

During the course of this symposium, the III Asomega Rural Scholarship was awarded SEMG, a recognition that seeks to support rural doctors in their professional development. This initiative recognizes research and community intervention work in rural areas. This year it has relapsed Marta Calvo Seoane and José Manuel Lage Parente. In addition, the congressmen will be able to visit the exhibition of the Maceda Rural Doctor Museum, which offers a broad vision of the history and evolution of rural medicine in Spain. This exhibition installed in Palexco includes a collection of medical instruments, historical documents and photographs.

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