Health advertising framework for eating disorders

Health advertising framework for eating disorders
Health advertising framework for eating disorders

The rise of new eating disorders in a hyperconnected society arrives at health consultations. Primary Care doctors and nurses address the increase in mental health problems and eating disorders (ED), promoted by social networks. Therefore, one of the keys to trying to mitigate its advance and stop it is for health professionals to help develop “a regulatory framework that regulates advertising through social networks, a factor related to eating disorders,” said the coordinator. of the Public Health Working Group of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), Julia Ruiz.

This topic has been one of those analyzed at the 30th National Congress of General and Family Medicine, which was held from June 13 to 15 in A Coruña, and also protagonist in the press conference this Saturday. Ruiz has appeared alongside the head of the SEMG ‘Lifestyles and Health Determinants’ Working Group, Isabel Paulesand the head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Working Group of the SEMG, Guadalupe Blay.

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The coordinator of the SEMG Public Health Working Group, Julia Ruiz.

Social networks transmit a false reality and standards of beauty that are normally unattainable,” Paúles explained in the introduction before addressing the treatments and prevalence of eating disorders, with a greater prevalence in adolescent women.

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The head of the SEMG ‘Lifestyles and Health Determinants’ Working Group, Isabel Paúles.

Social networks and affectation in adolescents

The three specialists have focused on the messages sent by influential people through social networks. Blay, who has detailed the recorded figures of the increase in eating disorders, has highlighted that “In Primary Care we have seen an increase in casesespecially in adolescents.” The most prevalent group is women between 12 and 36 years old, which denotes concern about the impact of these problems on increasingly younger peopleand also a significant impact on men.

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The head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Working Group of the SEMG, Guadalupe Blay.

There are children who restrict foods when they are little.. We must highlight the strength of Primary Care to detect these pathologies and in the family environment, as well as at school,” he reflected. For his part, Ruiz has mentioned the innovations that health professionals have at their disposal to diagnose certain behaviors that until some time ago were not contemplated.

“Primary Care professionals have a fundamental job of dissemination and awareness”, highlighted the coordinator of the SEMG Public Health Working Group. A few words shared by Blay, who has advocated for break through the school gates for specialists to give talks and have a link with the centers.

The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Following this press conference, the next topic to focus on was the Mediterranean diet, its impact on health and the consequences of rising food prices. This time he has accompanied Blay, the specialist in Internal Medicine and one of the main researchers of the CordioPrev study, Fernando Lopez.

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The specialist in Internal Medicine and one of the main researchers of the CordioPrev study, Fernando López.

López recalled the studies that highlight the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and virgin olive oil, which “reduces the chance of getting sick or dying by 30 percent”, according to research. The specialist has described this natural food as “equal to or more powerful than medicines to reduce riskminimizing side effects.”

In this sense, López has regretted the false belief of the population about the increase in price of virgin olive oil which, despite having registered an increase, is not so much if its consumption and expenditure per person per month is calculated. “We were not winning the fat war until ten years ago. and now there is the fight against the movement of those who say that olive oil is expensive. One liter or liter and a half that is recommended to be consumed per person per month is ten or twelve euros.. Is it expensive to provide the health it provides and 20 percent of calories?” he reflected.

For his part, Blay has said that the boss of The Mediterranean diet is being lost among the Spanish population, estimating this data at “30 or 40 percent.” In fact, adolescents have not inherited the nutrition guidelines of their parents or grandparents, who still generally follow the Mediterranean diet. As an anecdote, Blay explained that colleagues who practice in the United States have noticed that more and more people are adhering to the Mediterranean diet. To conclude, the person in charge of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Working Group of the SEMG has added that “consuming olive oil is consuming health”.

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Press conference on New Eating Disorders.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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