Why leg cramps occur and how to eliminate them

Why leg cramps occur and how to eliminate them
Why leg cramps occur and how to eliminate them

A young athlete experiences acute pain in his knee after intense exercise. This incident highlights the importance of body care and the prevention of muscle and joint injuries in sports. The image captures the precise moment of discomfort, underlining the relevance of health and well-being in the sports routine. (Illustrative image Infobae)

The cramps in the legs, clear examples of involuntary and painful muscle contractions, are common episodes that can affect anyone, at any time, even during sleep. Although there is not always an obvious reason for its appearance, scientific studies and expert testimonies have identified several causes and remedies for this condition.

These spasms are involuntary contractions of the muscles that can last from a few seconds to minutes. The muscle cramps They are caused by a combination of factors and can occur in different situations, both in action and at rest.

The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles is a determining factor. Cramps mainly affect the skeletal muscles of the calf, although they can also affect the thighs and soles of the feet..

At a general level, dehydration, muscle fatigue, circulatory problems and certain diseases or medications are some of the main causes identified. Karena Wu, physical therapist and owner of ActiveCare Physical Therapyexplained that “there is a clear seasonal pattern in the frequency of muscle cramps, with higher figures in summer and lower in winter.”

A woman’s legs reflect the beauty of the female body, reminding us of the importance of care and health. An expression of sensuality that highlights femininity in all its essence. (Illustrative image Infobae)

The night crampsthose that wake people up in the middle of the night, are particularly annoying and worrying. There is no single cause that explains why leg cramps occur., highlighting the lack of consensus in the medical community on its exact origin. However, it is suggested that stretching before bed can decrease its frequency and severity.

For his part, Casey Kelley, an integrative medicine doctor and founder and medical director at Case Integrative Health, maintains that “most are short-lived, lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes. However, once the cramp resolves, the muscle may feel sore for a few days.”

A disturbance of electrolyte balance such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium is one of the main causes of cramps. Magnesium deficiency, for example, is common in sports cramps, while calcium deficiency can cause cramps at rest. The massive loss of minerals and water during exercise, leading to dehydration, also contributes to this condition..

To prevent cramps, these experts recommend several methods. It is essential to replenish fluids and mineral salts, especially during intense workouts. Advise drink mineral water before, during and after exerciseand do not underestimate the importance of a balanced diet that includes sufficient mineral salts.

ILLUSTRATION – Applying cold after a blow to the leg reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Photo: Silvia Marks/dpa

Another preventive measure is to stretch post-exercise to eliminate lactic acid, which is part of the immediate remedies to combat cramps. Changing the position of your legs while sleeping can help, for example, by keeping your feet in a relaxed position if you sleep on your stomach, or pointing them upward with the help of a pillow if you sleep on your back.

Regarding immediate remedies during a cramp, stretching the affected muscle while contracting the antagonist muscle is an effective technique. Conca advises against the use of ice or cold, which can cause greater muscle contraction. Instead, it is suggested a gentle relaxing massage or warm heat treatment to relieve spasm.

Paying attention to bedding is also a useful tip to prevent these nocturnal episodes. Keep sheets and blankets loose to prevent your feet from pointing downward, which can cause cramps.

Importantly, cramps, while generally not a cause for concern, can be an indicator of an underlying health problem if they occur very frequently. In such cases, Conca recommends seeing a doctor for further evaluation.

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