The mandatory electronic medical prescription begins to be applied: when does it come into effect

In order to coordinate the implementation with the provinces, a meeting was convened a meeting for this Monday, June 24, with the Ministers of Health of each of the jurisdictions.

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Mario Russo will lead a meeting with his provincial peers to discuss the application of electronic medical prescription

Photo: Ministry of Health Press

Mandatory electronic medical prescription: how the system will be applied

The initiative, spokespersons for the portfolio indicated, is coming working with the schools and chambers of the sector, the PAMI and the Superintendence of Health Services.

In the same sense, PAMI, other social and prepaid works are already implementing electronic prescription modalities.

Within the framework of the plan, the ministry created the National Registry of Digital Health Platforms (ReNaPDiS).

It is a registry that unifies “all existing platforms with the objective of improve modernization processes and interoperability between systems. This implies the correct adoption of good practices defined by the technical-health teams,” the portfolio indicated.

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Starting July 1, the implementation of the electronic and/or digital prescription will be mandatory throughout the country.

Photo: Luis E. Rodriguez

Besides, The registry of health professionals registered in the Argentine Integrated Health Information System was updated (ARMHOLE).

To this end, a bulk upload procedure was made available, so that jurisdictions have updated the information of professionals registered and authorized to practice, so that they can be validated to prescribe electronic prescriptions.

Within the framework of the adaptation process, a instance of adhesion of the provinces to the new modality of prescriptionwhile the platforms will register in ReNaPDiS, adapting their systems to the stipulated requirements.

How will the adaptation of the electronic medical prescription be in Argentina?

Once registration is complete, Each recipe will have a code that will allow its uniqueness to be verified throughout the country.while electronic recipe books must have an alternative system for contingency or force majeure situations.

However, there will be a adaptation period: “During the platform registration period, professionals who do not have electronic recipe books will be able to prepare paper recipes and with them people will be able to obtain their medications in a pharmacy as before. AND Once all the platforms are registered, this modality will remain as a condition of exception in areas with difficult access or without connectivity.“, be specific.

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The use of electronic medical prescriptions for narcotic medications was authorized.

The use of electronic medical prescriptions for narcotic medications was authorized.

It was also noted that “for accession, registration and adaptation the Plan contemplates a period of 180 days (in the next few days it will be published in the Official Gazette). To guarantee continuity of access to health services, in the process of implementing electronic prescriptions, an instance is foreseen for the readjustment of digital platforms“.

Furthermore, as of the publication of the provision, it will be available in the official website of the Ministry the instructions for professionals and pharmacieswhere you can find all the detailed information about the implementation of the electronic prescription and the registration processes.

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