Tom Quinn, expert on the British Royal Family, uncovers the desperate request of King Charles III to his son Harry

Tom Quinn, expert on the British Royal Family, uncovers the desperate request of King Charles III to his son Harry
Tom Quinn, expert on the British Royal Family, uncovers the desperate request of King Charles III to his son Harry

Recent times have not been good for the British Royal House. Two of its most active members are receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Added to this is the gap that has existed between Prince Harry (39 years old) and the rest of his family for years. Now it seems that King Carlos III (75 years old) would be interested in approaching positions, since he would have asked his youngest son to Stop revealing your secrets.

During these years there have been many comings and goings within the British royal family. All of this was prompted by the departure to the United States of the youngest son of Princess Diana of Wales and his wife, Meghan Markle (42 years old). In addition to renouncing his royal duties, the family crisis came with the publication of memoirs in which Prince William’s brother (41 years old) did not hesitate to air some details of the private sphere.

Charles III’s desperate request to his son, Prince Harry

Lately it seemed that the situation could improve. Last February, Queen Camilla’s husband’s cancer was confirmed. Immediately the actress’s husband took a plane to get to London so he could see his father. However, their meeting only lasted 45 minutes and months later, specifically in May, Harry returned to the UK. On this occasion, he could not see his father and his brother either, since the former was at another official event and the latter was resting with his wife Kate Middleton (42 years old) in full recovery.

Tom Quinn is an expert on the British Royal House who has analyzed many of the situations of the English. For this reason, he wanted to dedicate an article in ‘The Mirror’, where he surprised with some of his statements. “His father He has directly asked Harry not to write nor publicly say anything else about the family or his brother that could cause problems,” he revealed in the aforementioned medium about the desperate request that the monarch would have made to his young son after the latest events.

However, the royal expert has gone further in his statements. “And everyone knows that when a king asks you to do something There will be consequences if you don’t obey.”, he warned about this matter. “Throughout the years that Harry has complained about the treatment he receives from his family, he has had only one goal: to obtain an apology and to see his father and brother make peace,” he added about the only measure he would be pursuing. Markle’s husband regarding his relatives.

However, the way you carried out your complaint may have been incorrect. “Harry just doesn’t see that complaining in private can work”Quinn comments. “Complaining publicly only makes things worse and in Harry’s case that means more and more ties to his past are being cut,” Tom explains. In this way, the expert considers that this situation could end due to the father’s request to his son, now that the family situation has other more important details to worry about.

Prince Harry’s relationship with his father and brother

The relationship between the youngest son of the English monarch and his father and brother has gone through different phases. However, with the latest information it does not seem that everything will end well. The fact that Meghan’s husband aired certain problems inside Buckingham Palace was not well received by Charles and William, which is why it led to tension was the norm that marked their relationship.

In fact, in the aforementioned article from the British newspaper where the royal expert has left his impressions, they also remember that it would not be the first time that Harry’s comments have caused some anger among his relatives. According to royal commentator Jennie Bond, the couple living in the United States would be upset by the way it affects your children all this, since it is one of the most important families in the world and whose children will have questions to ask about their origins and so on.

The reason why Harry did not see Charles III on his last visit

In any case, the month of May was going to be configured as a key date in this entire family controversy. The youngest son of the missing Princess of Wales returned to London for the Invictus Awards. At that time there was speculation about the possibility of him going to visit his father and sister-in-law, both undergoing different cancer treatments. However, this meeting did not come from either party.

So much so that a statement was even released to avoid speculation. “Unfortunately, the meeting will not be possible due to Her Majesty’s full schedule. The Duke of Sussex understands his father’s commitment schedule and his priorities, hope to see you soon”, he prayed himself. It must be remembered that that visit coincided with the monarch’s recent incorporation into his royal duties after having been on leave due to his illness.

However, some time later the British press indicated an aspect that could have been decisive in all of this. According to ‘The Telegraph’, the prince would have received an invitation from his father to stay at a royal residence while he was in London, since he does not have an official address in the United Kingdom. “He turned down a meeting with King Charles in London because did not include security measures”, confirmed the English media.

But the reason why he rejected this invitation would be related to the security available in that place. As stated in the aforementioned media, the residence offered by the monarch was a “visible place with public entry and exit points and without police protection”. However, Harry stayed in a hotel that had the security measures he wanted so he could leave and enter without needing to be seen.

The two ugly faces of King Charles III and Prince Harry

Every movement made by any member of the British Royal House that affects others directly or indirectly is analyzed to the millimeter. In fact, as the days go by, the British press ends up bringing to light all the ins and outs of some of these issues that would otherwise not be known. That is why with the non-existent meeting between father and son in the month of May, some ghosts from the past returned.

After that rudeness of not being able to see his father after months without being in the same country, there were new data that fueled the controversy. In fact, it seems that the fact that he is busy having official events is not a reason for anger for the actress’s husband. As revealed by various English sources, Harry understood it perfectly, since he knows his father’s interest and desire to become a great King loved by his people.

Matt Wilkinson is an expert on the British Royal Family who wrote in ‘The Sun’ about the two ugly things that Queen Camilla’s husband would have done to his youngest son after his visit. The following Monday, Charles III attended an official ceremony with Prince William to present him with the title of Colonel of the ‘Army Air Cops’. Furthermore, during that visit they were able to see different gestures of complicity between father and sonsomething that had not been appreciated for a long time.

However, this decision meant directly two ugly men towards their little son. First of all, it is the unit in which Markle’s husband carried out her internship, but not everything stops there. The first ugly one was naming Guillermo as leader of the helicopter unit to which his brother belonged. The second of them was highlighted by the royal journalist, since King Charles III made an emotional speech in which he completely forgot to name Harry, a moment that he could have taken advantage of to downplay the importance of the above as it was about the unity in the one who completed her internship.

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