The economy collapses and Milei fulfilled his dream like Moses, as a rockstar and a “professor”

The economy collapses and Milei fulfilled his dream like Moses, as a rockstar and a “professor”
The economy collapses and Milei fulfilled his dream like Moses, as a rockstar and a “professor”

Javier Milei appeared from the depths of the Luna Park. As always: from the bottom, by surprise and suddenly. The side stands were full, the field was not overflowing but almost. Among the people there was a boy who stood in line to get a ticket: he was first at 10:30 in the morning. The President crossed among the people like an arrow. Submerged in a mosh, was the rope that moved the tide. Guards and cell phones surrounded him. Panic Show was playing, the original version, the one from La Renga. After parting the sea in two, like Moses, Milei climbed onto the stage dressed in the long leather jacket, the light blue shirt outside her dress pants. He sang Panic Show, his flagship song, with his tie on.

The Liberal Band had warmed up the track. Bertie Benegas Lynch, the deputy, the son of El Prócer, on the drums. In bass, the co-author of the biography of the Head of State, Marcelo Duclos. A singer had made a cover from Panic Show and another from The revelde, also from La Renga. The standing microphone was waiting for the leader. Below, Zulemita and Yuyito González; Sandra Petovello and Daniel Scioli, Patricia Bullrich and Luis Caputo; Excited Lilia Lemoine and El Jefe’s blonde hair. No one was missing: no one fails the President. Milei came and went around the front of the stage. She harangued with her eyes closed, she beat her chest like a gorilla. “I organized all this because I really wanted to sing.”Milei warned.

Javier Milei, 53 years old, Head of State. He was a child subjected to the humors of his father, Norberto, a group turned transportation businessman who reminded him, by force of blow or word, that he was not going to get anywhere. He was a goalkeeper in the youth team Chacaritahe got used to his last name being intoned between insults, He knew what it means to be “a solo” despite being part of a team.. She was a singer in a cover band called Everestwas the one who did striptease in front of his fans when he performed Satisfactionof the Rolling Stones. He was an Economics student and professor at the University of Buenos Aires. He was a hot television panelist. All that Milei was, was last night at Luna Park.

The excuse was the presentation of his latest book, Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap. “Thank you Kirchnerists, because of the boycott they gave us this party”: was the phrase he dedicated to the The Book Foundationorganizer of the book Fair, with whom he did not finish negotiating the terms of the launch. One piece of information: The official broadcast did not broadcast the President’s showthat is, his appearance among the public and his performance of Panic Show; It just started when the President was behind the lecternin plan teacher. The news channels hung on the libertarian streams -the streamers, happy; further views in Youtube-. For TV viewers there were two Milei. The one filmed by his followers’ cell phones, the more or less neat one standing under a white light who talked about economics.

The event went well for Milei. Mobile phones were secured live from Plaza Roma, where tickets were distributed. Prime time on evening television was secured. The viralization on social networks of certain cuts was ensured (which was also raised by television). He made sure to be the topic of the day, a territory he knows because, as Nicolás Márquez suggests in the authorized biography he wrote, what is the point of occupying a seat in the Deputies for two years and assuming the Presidency without having presented a single project if the virtual discussion I had it won. But: what did those who were on the Luna want to see? Because of how the public snuck out of the stadium while the President talked about models, patches, capital, lefties, the State, economic growth, those who sucked cold outside wanted to see the rockstar. Do books still matter?

Last night the enemies mattered more, the emotional Milei is still effective. The “aborters”. The “reds”. (Pedro) “Sánchez, compadre, your mother’s shell.” “Cristina is imprisoned.” Humors with sexual connotations were also celebrated: The President said that “he enjoyed the mathematics of the theory of value” more “than his first Playboy”. A while later, as if to crown a night that will go down in history, Javier Milei will be the face of Time magazine with this title: The Radical. The cover is illustrated with a close-up of his face. The insistence on digital retouching is notable.. One glance is enough to notice that Between the Milei of the magazine and the Milei of the stage there are five months of presidential administration.

Five months of management and this is the scenario of Argentina: seventh consecutive month of economic contraction; the category of construction is the most affected – it fell 30% –, followed by industry –down 20%–; down, too, the milk consumption -twenty%-; productive activity regressed to the time of the pandemic and according to specialists “It is worse than 2001”; For registered workers: layoffs, suspensions and cuts; for the informal ones, more informality. Last night we saw a man fulfilling a dream, panic show in broad daylight.


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