ALBA-TCP rejects, as limited, US measures on Cuba | News

ALBA-TCP rejects, as limited, US measures on Cuba | News
ALBA-TCP rejects, as limited, US measures on Cuba | News

The Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) rejected this Saturday, due to their limited nature, the recent measures of the US Government towards Cuba, announced this week.


The prominent Cuban actress and pedagogue Corina Mestre died

A statement from the alliance highlights the limited nature of the new regulations of the United States government on Cuba, “to supposedly favor the private sector, since they do not touch the fundamental body of the blockade or the additional sanctions that make up the policy of maximum pressure against the sister nation”.

The group of nations denounces that “the design of these measures is inserted within the objectives of regime change, in open violation of the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States, sovereign equality and the right of peoples to self-determination”.

They claim that “the United States government should listen to the demand of the international community and its own public opinion, to lift the blockade and exclude Cuba from the arbitrary, selective and unilateral List of State Sponsors of Terrorism, from which other measures of economic coercion that severely damage the well-being of the entire Cuban population.”

In the same direction, the countries of the alliance “reject the purpose declared by US officials to deny resources to the Cuban public sector, guarantor of essential services such as education, health, culture, sports and others, to all Cubans, including the private sector.” “.

They remember that “Cuba’s development in these key areas has been recognized worldwide and has benefited multiple countries through solidarity and international cooperation.”

Finally, the ALBA-TCP “ratifies that the Cuban people and government have the right to build the political, social and economic model that they determine, including the harmonious development of different forms of management and ownership, without the shadow of external interference , and without prejudice to its independence and sovereignty”.

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