International Environment Day

International Environment Day
International Environment Day

World Environment Day 2024 focuses on restoring lands, stopping desertification and strengthening drought resilience under the theme “Our lands. Our future. We are the #RestorationGeneration.” You cannot go back in time, but you can grow forests, revitalize water sources and restore soils. This is the generation that can make peace with the lands.

In this sense, the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz, said that different activities were carried out to commemorate the day. “We want the community to become aware of the climate change that the world is going through. “You saw what happened with dengue, which only belonged to northern Argentina and today reached provinces in the center and south of the country,” he explained.

The official stressed that the population must become aware in order to take care of water, electricity and collect waste to separate what is reusable and recycle. “Everything has to do with health, let’s take an example when one day we do not have drinking water or without electricity we begin to value it when we lack it. “Each one of us can contribute something to caring for the environment, from where we are,” he highlighted.

The Environmental Health Directorate of Siprosa held a day with stands in Plaza Urquiza, with the aim of raising awareness in the community about the use of recycling, use of natural resources and exchanging waste for seedlings. In addition, the Vaccination Brigade was installed so that the community completes its calendar.

For his part, engineer Leandro Medina Barrionuevo, director general of Environmental Health, said that, led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Environment Day was established for the first time by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1972. Each year it is sponsored by a different country, and in 2024 the host and organizer is Saudi Arabia.

In the last 50 years, the celebration has become one of the global platforms with the greatest reach in favor of environmental causes. Tens of millions of people have joined in to participate virtually and in person in activities, events and all types of initiatives around the world.

“This day has to help us continue raising awareness about the habits that are harmful to our earth, which is our only planet. “Everyone must do their part by taking care of energy consumption, betting on renewable energy, aiming for reforestation and the importance of trees in providing oxygen, among other actions,” the professional explained.

Medina Barrionuevo highlighted that the health sector tries to raise awareness to avoid contamination and inappropriate use of non-renewable resources that affect health. As for the stands, topics such as dengue were discussed, which is increasingly finding better conditions to proliferate due to climate change. Emphasis was also placed on the care of water, which is now a resource that must be used rationally and the reuse of renewable waste.

“In addition, the Northeast Operational Area accompanies us with what is a vaccination campaign that will take place throughout this week at different points thanks to the Ministry of Health,” stressed the professional, who announced that during the month different schools will be visited with environmental workshops where the June 30th the first environmental marathon will be held.

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