This Thursday the rains continue, there is an alert for overflows and the affected regions are close to Neuquén

An extra tropical cyclone affects Chile. The passage of the phenomenon yesterday left thousands of neighbors without electricity, flooded roads and rivers overflowing. From the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) they indicated that this Thursday the rains will continue and they detailed that the regions that would be most affected today they would be Maule and Ñubleboth close to Neuquén.

The National Director of Senapred, Alicia Cebrián, reported that “the frontal system is in full development in the south central area, “as predicted, which has generated some emergency situations in these regions.”

He noted that the phenomenon caused 15,949 customers will be left without electricity supplyconcentrated in the regions of Maule, Ñuble and La Araucanía. The authorities indicated that it would gradually be restored.

One of the instructions that was transmitted to the population is to stay away from river beds during the course of the event. Yesterday was population of Arauco evacuated, due to “threat of overflowing of the Pichilo River.”

Also, according to the media La Tercera, this Thursday morning the station “Río Achibueno en la Recova” hydrometric network, in the commune of Linares, exceeded the red alert threshold values. Citizens were asked to take responsibility for the transfers.

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Cyclone in Chile: rains continue this Thursday

The meteorologist of the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC), Cristóbal Torres, indicated that this Thursday “precipitation will continue” and that the most affected will be the regions of Maule and Ñuble.

Senapred in its assessment of the phenomenon said that flooding, road closures, suspension of classes, and minor damage to homes.

He also noted that regional systems maintain surveillance of critical points and continue to be deployed in the territory.

Cyclone in Chile: the rain alert was reduced in Neuquén

In Neuquén, one of the Argentine provinces neighboring the trans-Andean country, an alert is in effect for this Thursday, although unlike yesterday it decreased from orange to yellow. He provincial director of Civil Protection of Neuquén, Carlos Cruz, said in dialogue with RN Radio that there will be “precipitation of varying intensity, but with much lower levels”stated the official.

He specified that there will be precipitation accumulated estimates between 15 and 30 millimeters, “that should not cause any type of inconvenience«.

He also recalled the importance of staying informed.

Source: Senapred and La Tercera

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