What percentage of the population of the Metropolitan Region has used a dating application?

What percentage of the population of the Metropolitan Region has used a dating application?
What percentage of the population of the Metropolitan Region has used a dating application?

Dating applications are increasingly used by people; those who download them do so with the aim of finding a partner, making friends, casual dates, etc. These Apps are used in Chili and the world, which is why Corpa Market Studies, conducted a survey that reveals people’s behavior in this regard.

A sample corresponding to men and women, aged 18 years and older, belonging to the socioeconomic groups, GSE ABC1, C2 and C3D, was analyzed. and residents in the Metropolitan Region.

According to the survey results, 39% of people have used or use a dating app, and 7% are interested in using one. Meanwhile, 54% say that they are not interested in having this tool.

Regarding the previous measurement carried out in 2021, in the pandemic context, The popularity of these applications decreased in all age segments, especially in people who are over 46 years old. Those who use these tools the most are people between 24 and 36 years old.

“The use of the dating app in the population has decreased, which can be related to the fact that the previous measurement was during the pandemic and contact with people was less, so there were more incentives to use it to meet people during confinement,” said Pavel Castillo, Intelligence manager at Corpa.

35% of the people surveyed say that they do not use this type of applications, and it is because they are in a relationship (23% are not interested and 19% because they do not need it). Furthermore, 13% of women say that it does not give them confidence (in men the distrust is 2%).

“Millennials are the ones who use it the most, but those who achieve the most meaningful relationships are those over 46 years of age. “This makes sense since they are the ones who already know themselves better and have greater clarity about what to look for in another person,” Castillo added.

The main reason to use a dating app

The results of the study indicate that The main reason is to meet friends or different people 55%, and 42% use them for fun. Only 21% say it is for sexual encounters, and 16% are looking for a stable partner.

In detail, It is mainly men who seek casual sexual encounters (33%), and not women (8%). While 65% of women are looking for friends, versus 46% of men.

The survey also shows a notable decrease in the search for casual sexual encounters between the years 2021 and 2024, going from 34% to 21%, respectively.

“This may be related to confinement and less contact in times of pandemic. It is striking that 29% of ABC1 seek casual sexual encounters compared to 14% of C3D. Those who look for it the most are those who are between 24 and 36 years old or over 46″, indicated the Intelligence manager of Corpa.

According to the results, users in 2024 report having more dates than in 2021, currently 23% have had more than 6 in-person dates, while in 2021 only 13%. Furthermore, those who have not had any appointments decrease from 33% in 2021 to 22% in 2024.

While, Men report having more dates than women, with 31% reporting having dated more than six people, versus 13% of women. Similar figure to what happened in 2021.

The people who most date through these digital tools are over 46 years old. 29% have dated more than six people and 18% have dated more than 10 people. It is also observed in the results that the ABC1 segment has more citations than the C3D (28% and 19% respectively).

Main Risks of Dating Apps

According to the Chilean Investigative Police (PDI), among the main risks involved in the use of these platforms are human trafficking, identity theft and cyberbullying.

In this context, the Corpa study indicates that risk situations have decreased from 2021 (16%) to 2024 (8%).

Furthermore, one of the main reasons for risk detailed in the survey is being harassed, having another person arrive at the appointment, attempted scam or assault.

“It is positive that risk situations are decreasing, this may be because the applications have implemented improvements and users are being more cautious about getting together with someone they do not know, for example, dating in public places”Castillo concluded.

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