New earthquake shakes Chile: magnitude 4.0 in Pica

New earthquake shakes Chile: magnitude 4.0 in Pica
New earthquake shakes Chile: magnitude 4.0 in Pica

The earthquake was recorded in the city of Pica (Infobae)

An earthquake of magnitude 4.0 and with a depth of 114.0 kilometers alerted the residents of the Chilean city of Pica.

The epicenter of the episode was at coordinates -68.896 degrees longitude and -20.101 degrees latitude, that is, 63.0 kilometers northeast of said town, according to the National Seismological Center (CSN).

The updated information from the CNS indicates that the earthquake began at 4:42 p.m. (local time) this Saturday, June 8.

Remember that in the event of any earthquake, only information from official sourcesavoid falling into rumors or fake news.

After an earthquake, check your house for possible damage, use your cell phone only in case of emergency, do not saturate the telephone lines, do not light matches or candles until you are sure that there is no gas leak. It is important to mention that after significant seismic activity, aftershocks may occur, so it is important to be alert.

An earthquake can happen at any moment, so it is important to be prepared with the following measures: prepare a civil protection plan, organize evacuation drills, find safety zones at home, school or workplace and prepare a backpack of emergency.

During an earthquake, stay calm and find a safe place, stay away from objects that may fall, do not use elevators, or stay in a stairwell or door frame.

If you are in a car, park and stand away from buildings, trees and poles; If you are on the coast, leave the beach and take refuge in high areas, given the possibility of a tsunami; And if you are in a wheelchair and cannot move to a safe place, brake the wheels and protect your head and neck with your arms.

The recommendations of the National Simological Service of Mexico (Jovani Pérez/Infobae)

Since 1570, About a hundred strong earthquakes have occurred in Chile, of which almost thirty were of magnitude greater than 8.

According to the Department of Emergency and Disaster Risk Management, on average, an earthquake of magnitude above 8 occurs every 10 years. These are some of the most important earthquakes recorded in the history of Chile.

The strongest earthquake in history

On the afternoon of May 22, 1960, the largest earthquake on record occurred, with magnitude 9.5, with the city of Traiguén, in the province of Malleco, as its epicenter. However, it is known as the “Valdivia earthquake” because it was where there was the most damage.

The seismic activity also caused a tsunami with waves up to 10 meters high that devastated much of the south of the country. The tsunami was felt beyond Chile, reaching Asia, in Japan, for example, it was hit with waves six meters high, leaving several dead and significant damage in its wake.

The official death toll is not precise, it is only known that there were more than 2 thousand victims.

The last great earthquake

The last major earthquake that hit Chile was the one known as “27F” which occurred on February 27, 2010, the second strongest earthquake in its history.

With a magnitude of 8.8, the earthquake had its epicenter on the coasts of the Maule region and took the population by surprise during the early hours of the morning.

As in 1960, about half an hour after the earthquake, a tsunami hit the country, mainly in the regions of Maule and Biobío. Outside of Chile, the tsunami reached Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica, without major damage.

Due to the earthquake, more than 500 people died and around fifty people were missing.

The most recent strong earthquake in Chile was 8.8 magnitude (Photographic and Digital Archive of the National Library of Chile)

The deadliest earthquake

On the night of January 24, 1939, it occurred the deadliest earthquake in the history of Chile. An earthquake of magnitude 8.3 was felt from Valparaíso and to Temuco, however, it was in Concepción and Chillán where the most damage was concentrated.

This seismic activity was known as the Chillán earthquake because it was right there where it caused the most destruction, just by saying that more than half of its buildings fell.

As a result of the earthquake, electricity, telephone and telegraph services were interrupted, there was no transportation, the railway station was left in the ground and the disaster caused a lack of food and water.

Although it is estimated that around 30,000 people died from the earthquake, only a little more than 5,000 victims were identified (Photographic and Digital Archive of the National Library of Chile).

The Chillán earthquake of 1939 is the tragedy that has claimed the most fatalities in Chile. The official death toll was 24,000, but some estimate that it was close to 30,000, although only 5,685 were identified.

Other earthquakes

In addition to the tremors mentioned, there have been other important ones in the history of Chile.

For example, two other telluric activities with magnitude greater than 8.5 have been recorded, however, these have happened more than 100 years ago -not counting the earthquakes already mentioned-, according to CSN records.

In the early morning of July 8, 1730, an 8.7 magnitude earthquake was felt in Valparaíso that left around 3 thousand victims. Another earthquake, this time of magnitude 8.8, was recorded in Arica on the night of September 16, 1615, which surprisingly left no deaths.

On the other hand, there are two more earthquakes that left more than 2 thousand deaths: on the night of May 9, 1877, in Iquique, an earthquake of magnitude 8.5 was recorded; and that of the morning of February 8, 1570, which had a magnitude of 8.3.

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