How much money does a young man who lives alone in Tucumán need per month? An influencer detailed his expenses and generated a stir

How much money does a young man who lives alone in Tucumán need per month? An influencer detailed his expenses and generated a stir
How much money does a young man who lives alone in Tucumán need per month? An influencer detailed his expenses and generated a stir

The video went viral on the networks and hundreds of people questioned his lifestyle.

An influencer from Tucumán told how much she spends in a month in the province and it went viral. The young woman opened the debate on Instagram, where she is dedicated to generating content related to marketing. In the comments, many users questioned her statement.

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Ahilen Esteve -as presented on her Instagram account- is an Instagrammer from Tucumán and lives in the capital of the province. A few days ago she made a video detailing the expenses she has in the month living alone, but her followers assured that what she said could not correspond to reality.

He counted how much he spends per month living in Tucumán

At the beginning of 2024, the influencer published her first video with the style that generated so much controversy in recent days. The final amount she declared she needed to live month to month was $640,000. However, social networks did not believe her and attacked her harshly.

The most considerable expense he must face during the month is his rent: $242.00 in what he considers “a fairly nice area.” “The truth is that the price seems pretty good to me because this apartment has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, the living room is huge,” says Esteve.

Added to the rent are expenses, which considerably increase the cost of living. They add $84,000 more to their account. “Every month it increases, that does seem strange to me, tell me. I think that in other buildings it is not so expensive,” she comments.

For the monthly internet and cell phone subscription, the influence pays $20,000; Between water and electricity bills, there is an additional $8,000 and another $54,000 for electricity service. “I don’t know what I’ll spend so much electricity on, but oh well,” she says with some indignation and surprise.

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“I don’t cook because, the truth is, I don’t like to cook. I have a girl from whom I ask for food and I am paying approximately $40,000 per week,” says the content creator. Additionally, for her personal care, she goes to monthly consultations with a nutritionist for whom she pays $15,000 more.

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Other “extras” such as the manicure and pedicure service ($10,000) and the gym fee ($15,000) are added to their list of expenses. He also supports his pets, for which he needs $10,000 a month for sanitary stones and $50,000 for 15 kilos of food.

The controversy of the influencer from Tucumán

According to her own Instagram profile, Esteve makes money “selling digital products” that she did not create herself. In her videos she says that she sells a digital course and an e-book on digital marketing. The responses to her video clearly disagreed with the $640,000 she said she needed to live for a month, not counting expenses such as outings, transportation, services she pays for related to her work, or her clothing.

“The rent is good, the expenses are very high, the food is cheap and the rest are tastes,” wrote one of his followers. Others questioned why he didn’t buy an apartment if he earned so much. “You don’t pay anything,” someone else wrote and there was no shortage of comments assuring that in other provinces the cost of living was much higher.

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