In González, the one in charge is the Mayor’s brother

The mayor of the municipality of González south of Cesar, Katherine Mora Rosado, a member of the Green Alliance Party, co-sponsored by the Liberal Party and Colombia Renaciente; She has been characterized as a foreign leader, oblivious to the needs of the people of Gonzales. Under the motto ‘González, Unites us’ she made the voters fall in love with her and it seems that after her possession she forgot the union with her community and on the contrary she disunited to the point that they feel in total abandonment.

“The municipality feels completely abandoned by the Municipal Administration, she is a leader who is alien to the town, the people, the communities, she is a mayor who does not remain in the municipality,” several residents expressed.

His cabinet is not local

cabinet of the municipal administration of González, led by Mayor Katherine Mora Rosado.

Politics in the municipality of González is mired in political favors that is intertwined with a worrying reality for locals; the municipal cabinet is mostly made up of figures from other municipalities, generating discontent among Gonzaleses who see their job opportunities limited.

“The people who work within the Municipal Administration, whether called the Mayor’s Office or the Hospital, 90% are from other municipalities, there were some locals in the mayor’s office who are administrative careers, about four positions and the rest are people from elsewhere, so There is no sense of belonging to the municipality, nor to the things of the municipality. There is total unemployment, all professionals have had to emigrate from González because there is no job opportunity due to political issues, the mayor’s staff does not know the municipality, its situation, its people and its needs, they are people from San Calixto, Río de Oro, Ocaña, Codazzi, La Jagua de Ibirico, less from here,” a source told La Calle.

Rule in another body

Antonio ‘Toñito’ Mora

The mayor of González stands out for leading an administration that has generated criticism for its lack of local representation, however, what the community says is that she rarely comes to her office, but her brother Antonio ‘toñito is present and in charge ‘Mora, who also serves as municipal Social Manager.

This was made known by ordinary people who remain vigilant about the situation, “Antonio ‘Toñito’ Mora is the one who holds the position of social manager and he is the one who is aware of everything that happens with the administration, the one who does hiring, etc. A clear example is what happened with the fingerprint plate issue, they took that management as their own, when it comes from the previous administration, they removed the workers and all the people who worked, they fired them and they are bringing people from somewhere else and that is what they are doing the social manager.”

Along the same lines, the community stated that, “he has his two brothers, Antonio Mora and Franklin Mora, who are the ones in the municipality, they have a Machinery Bank of theirs in a lot that they have at the entrance of the town and there they have “All the machinery they have brought and that is what they are executing.”

A brief Development Plan

One of the biggest deficiencies that the people of Gonzales denounce is the lack of knowledge of the most urgent needs on the part of the mayor and this was evident in the first Development Plan 2024 – 2027, which had to be made many modifications so that it could be approved.

According to what was stated by those who were aware of the ‘González nos Une’ Development Plan, it was “a copy and paste of the plans of other municipalities, an outdated Development Plan, a bit of crazy stuff that is not from here and so on. “They themselves make contracts that are not adjusted to the reality of the municipality.”

Through documents provided by the complainants, La Calle was able to learn about some reviews and observations made to the Gonzáles Development Plan 2024 – 2027, among which were highlighted that: “It is a shame, for example, that it is said in the section of cleaning service, that the service is done with a mayoral employee and that it is provided by the Public Services Unit in addition to the water and sewage services, since this unit has not existed for years. It is also described that the provision is 2.2 kilometers from the headwaters, 700 meters to the right side (land of Mr. Adan Mora) when more than 10 years ago that dump was closed by Corpocesar, and the old Public Services Unit and then the Servigo Public Services Company APC, enter into an annual contract with the Espo Company of Ocaña, to deposit in the regional landfill the Espo SA wood, the ordinary solid waste produced in the headwaters and the township of San Isidro.”

Likewise, in the education item, they were called out for presenting such a deficient plan, “Education (pages 33 to 42). Deficient diagnosis, which takes baseline information from the 2016-2019 period, used in the Development Plan of the previous municipal government, which does not allow a projection of goals for the Development Plan under evaluation, since the baseline nor the data sectors are recent. Most of the information, if not all, was taken from the municipal Development Plan of the previous government (pages 29 to 37). The formulating team had to directly consult information sources such as the Ministry of Education, the Department’s Education Secretariat and the directors of the municipal Educational Institutions for its own construction of the data necessary to know the recent reality of the educational sector in the municipality. ”.

As a result of this evaluation and many corrections, Mayor Katherine Mora had to correct her Development Plan so that it could be approved.

Playing the role of Pinocchio

According to what was stated by several inhabitants of the municipality, the mayor “lies to the community, since she started working she says that she does not have a 2024 budget when she comes in with a new budget, the previous administration left them royalties with which to start working “But she lies to the community telling them that she has no budget, that there is nothing to work with, she blames the previous administration, she says that the former mayor left the municipality in debt, when it is totally false.”

In different complaints filed by the community of González, the abandonment of the Municipal Administration towards the Community Action Boards predominates and those who know the reality closely state that: “The Community Action Board wants to overthrow them. The previous administration left 18 boards formed and since this administration they have not received support but rather they want to hinder all the processes of the boards, the members themselves have received threats, the mayor puts obstacles in their way, she does not sign the documents that she has to sign, she does not sign them. supports.”

Children transport themselves like little animals

Students being transported to school

School transportation in González is one of the situations that most afflicts the parents of the municipality, who state that the administration of Katherine Mora has not managed the buses so that the children have safe transportation, but, on the contrary, has They offer transportation in vans like “little animals.”

“The previous leaders always ensured that the children had transportation, this year they made a contract where the children are transporting them in vans like little animals, taking many risks,” said a parent.

A foreign mayor

The more time passes, the further away Gonzales feel from their leader and the management for the progress of their municipality.

“There are quite a few deficiencies, the truth is that here in González people feel like they are in another municipality, in total abandonment, the local media criticizes what is happening with the administration? Why did the mayor live in Ocaña? There is no administrative act and that is why they elected her, so that she could live here and work on the most urgent needs here, closely with her people,” say the residents.

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