CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | We denounce “the complicit attitude” of the PP with Vox to avoid supporting the LGTBI collective

CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | We denounce “the complicit attitude” of the PP with Vox to avoid supporting the LGTBI collective
CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | We denounce “the complicit attitude” of the PP with Vox to avoid supporting the LGTBI collective

We denounce “the complicit attitude” of the PP with Vox to avoid a declaration by the LGTBI collective in CórdobaEDUARDO RIPOLL

We do Córdoba has today denounced “the complicit attitude” of the Popular Party with Vox to prevent the city’s plenary session from approving an institutional declaration in support of the LGTBI collective on the occasion of June 28 International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender and Intersex Day. The spokesperson for the coalition of left-wing parties, Juan Hidalgo, regretted that the June plenary session did not include an institutional declaration on the LGTBI community because “once again, unfortunately, the far-right vetoed it with the complacency of the PP.” Hidalgo has criticized that the lack of unanimity in the plenary hall allows the approval of a declaration that before the arrival of Vox was approved without problem, but has added that this occurs because “the PP does not speak out either for or against when the situation is uncomfortable for him,” says the mayor.

Beyond political censorship, Hidalgo regrets that “social and human rights are being vetoed in this city council,” which places the city at “a crossroads that are difficult to resolve.” The text proposed by Hacemos in the institutional declaration reminds that “human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights without any distinction” and that “LGBTI rights are and will always be human rights.”

Some events from 1969

On June 28, the International Day of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, Transgender and Intersex is celebrated, which commemorates throughout the world the events that occurred in on the night of June 28, 1969 at the Stonewal publ, located in the New York neighborhood of Greenwich Village. These events gave rise to and are considered the catalyst for the international movement for the recognition of the rights of LGTBI people and this anniversary has been commemorated since 1970.

The declaration expresses the support of Córdoba City Council in “the clear defense of the right to full equality, dignity and the free development of sexual and/or gender identity” and “shows its commitment to continue promoting of attitudes and policies that favor social awareness to eradicate LGTBIphobic attitudes and the rejection of them”, among other issues.


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