mobilization in rejection of the Bases Law and strong repudiation of the persecution against the Polo Obrero and the Partido Obrero

A group of union organizations, including ATE-CTA Autónoma, and the Polo Obrero, held a press conference to announce a mobilization in La Rioja in rejection of the Base Law and the chainsaw plan of Milei and his accomplices. The call is scheduled for this June 12 starting at 10 a.m., from the intersection of Rivadavia and Benjamín de la Vega, provincial capital.

The call will also express a strong rejection of the persecution against the Polo Obrero and the Partido Obrero. Indeed, the fight against adjustment and the criminalization of protest is one.

In that sense, after the raid on the headquarters of the Partido Obrero, the organizations grouped in a Trade Union and Social Front against the adjustment and repression issued a statement, which we reproduce below.

From the POLITICAL AND SOCIAL UNION FRONT AGAINST ADJUSTMENT AND REPRESSION we want to express our deepest repudiation of the government of Javier Milei and its judicial operators in the raid of the Partido Obrero premises and the judicial persecution against social organizations specifically against the Polo Obrero with the clear political intention to persecute, prosecute and repress those who today are the most vulnerable sector and violated by the hunger policies of this far-right government. These measures violate all the guarantees of the democratic system.

After the DNU and the disputes over the Bases Law with the complicity of the Chamber of Deputies and Senators, the harshest reality is experienced today by 55% of the population that abruptly fell below the indigence line. The criminal policy of withholding food, massive layoffs, the non-delivery of oncology medications, the increase in rates and the freezing of salaries in the face of inflation that liquefies all income cruelly hits workers throughout the country.
This is why, given the imminent treatment of the Base Law in the Senate, we call for the broadest and most unitary mobilization to prevent its approval.

We support the demand that the CGT union center call for a 36-hour General Strike to throw out the Bases Law and the Chainsaw Plan.

However, we cannot fail to warn that those who are hungry and in need in the province today are men and women from Rioja. Thousands of families stopped receiving food aid, the soup kitchens are filled with families and each day there is less and thousands more were laid off, leaving them without an income for their families. This added to the fact that more than 80% of local workers live under the poverty basket. This makes a measure urgent by the government of Ricardo Quintela. Adjustment and hunger are the responsibility of the national and provincial governments.

This is why from the Front we demand that the provincial government of Quintela immediately deliver food and shelter to all the families that today are in a vulnerable situation, victims of this Economic Plan. It should be the priority at this time that every house has a plate of food.
From the Front we call to join the organization and mobilization to act in this regard.

Let’s mobilize massively

Thus the political persecution of the Partido Obrero was repudiated and the judicialization of the protest was rejected. On June 12, the rejection of the Base Law and the adjustment of all those who govern will also be felt in La Rioja. We call on working people to mobilize massively.

Everyone to Congress to defeat the Bases Law and the Milei adjustment

This Wednesday the 12th, from 9 a.m., political, union, student and popular organizations will gather in front of the National Congress. –

“We must make a sacrifice of strength and call a general strike on the day the Base Law is discussed”

Alejandro Crespo, the general secretary of Sutna, participated in the Regional Meeting convened by the CGT. –

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