Bases Law: this is how Guillermo Francos found out that two senators from Santa Cruz called not to give a quorum | Anatomy of a surprise

Bases Law: this is how Guillermo Francos found out that two senators from Santa Cruz called not to give a quorum | Anatomy of a surprise
Bases Law: this is how Guillermo Francos found out that two senators from Santa Cruz called not to give a quorum | Anatomy of a surprise

Minutes after two senators from Santa Cruz will call for not giving a quorum this Wednesdaywhich jeopardizes the session scheduled to discuss the Base Law and the Fiscal Package, the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos had a moment of disbelief when he found out – on air! – the news. In a stammer, he only managed to say that is guided by “rumors.”

“Where did they call (not giving a quorum), the truth is that this is news to me. I don’t know where it came from,” was the response that Francos gave to the press query, with visible surprise at the decision. of the Santa Cruz representatives.

It happens that, just hours before the start of the debate in the Senate, José María Carambia and Natalia Gadano, Those who were in doubt about how they were going to vote, expressed that they will not provide a quorum for the debate on the Bases law and the fiscal package. The decision breaks with the scheme of wills that the ruling party had outlined.

Both legislators denounced pressure from the national government and considered that both projects contain a “legislative trap.”

“Within that law there is hundreds of laws. In the event that it has a general approval, no matter how many changes we make in some articles, such as For example, Aerolíneas Argentinas should not be privatized.that the Post Office is not privatized, Any change we make will return to the chamber of origin, that is, to the Deputies, which can ratify the original text.. That is to say, they can make them privatized again and all the eventual changes that we senators make will be completely in vain. That is the big trap that this law has,” Carambia said in a video posted on Instagram.

The Santa Cruz senator explained that a week ago, when the Government needed the opinions in the Upper House, they agreed to sign in dissent so that the projects could be discussed. In exchange for that, The Executive accepted that an article be incorporated that allows the provinces to collect more mining royalties.

“Today they want to change it. That is, they already They do not want to fulfill what was agreed. That makes us think that all the changes that we senators make in favor of the people tomorrow will not be respected,” said Carambia, who also revealed that for several days they have been suffering pressure from the Government.

“They did not comply and today they want to change what we had agreed upon. They want to change the mining article. We know that the mining lobby is very large, that the mining companies must be trying to manipulate the votes of the senators and they surely want to change the article we had talked about. What’s more, yesterday they even went to see Natalia (Gadano) to tell her that there was an intention to change the article,” Carambia commented.

Finally, the senator stressed that both he and Gadano consider that the priority is not the Base Law but the retirees, and asked the rest of the senators not to give a quorum in the session called for this Wednesday.

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