two votes against and one in favor

two votes against and one in favor
two votes against and one in favor

For Senator Oscar Parrilli it must be at least double digits.

For Senator Oscar Parrilli it must be at least double digits.

Crexell was one of the first to sit on her bench this Wednesday morning, when the libertarian bloc of the Upper House gave the order to go to the premises to register the quorum. The order was defined when the ruling party managed to convince the president of the UCR, Martin Lousteau, to sit on his bench, which he had been resisting. With his presence, the quorum was confirmed.

Crexell’s actions regarding the discussion of the Base Law left things undone, to the point that it became one of the most questioned in the national media. The reason? The senator became a key to the door that Milei intends to open to take the country to a new stage, without a State. The president revealed that his objective in office is neither more nor less than the destruction of the State, for which the Base Law is necessary.

The change of Lucila Crexell

Crexell initially spoke out against the official project, even presenting his own opinion, contradictory to the one agreed upon by La Libertad Avanza, the Pro and the radicals of the governors who are in conflict with the head of the party. However, after a total silence on her part while the ruling party advanced in convincing senators reluctant to endorse the Bases Law, the senator arrived on the day of the treatment of the law convinced of the opposite of what she had maintained about the text. official

lucila crexell senator neuquen

The senator faced the session for the Bases Law after a request from the Foreign Ministry was submitted to the Senate to appoint her as Argentine ambassador to UNESCO, a position that is exercised from an office in the heart of Paris, the capital of France.

Crexell’s appointment to UNESCO was revealed by journalist Carlos Pagni a few days before the official Foreign Ministry document on his appointment was released. Crexell attributed the spread to a Kirchnerism operation, while confirming that his landing in Paris is the end of a negotiation that he had started before last year’s presidential elections. Then, the Neuquén had closed his appointment with Patricia Bullrich, but the then head of the Pro lost at the polls, the Crexell case deflated.

In April, the senator said, the Milei government offered her the same position that she had negotiated with unsuccessful results. That instance coincided with the passage to the Senate of the Bases Law, after the approval of the half-sanction in the Lower House.

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