how to see your score online and know if you are about to lose your license

Those caught driving at excessive speed, running red lights or not wearing a seat belt, among other traffic violations, must pay a fine. But also, if these episodes are repeated, the person may become inabilited to drive.

In the City of Buenos Aires this is applied through a mechanism of score either scoring called the Permanent Driver Evaluation System, created in 2009 and reformed years later.

Thus, driver’s licenses issued in Capital start with 20 points. But then, every fine that is committed will subtract a certain amount.

The more serious the fault, the greater the loss. And if the indicator reaches zerothe motorist will stay between two months and five years without being able to drive, as the case may be.

Despite the importance of the topic, many drivers do not really know how many points do they have left and how close they are to stay without registration in case of committing a new violation.

The data can be easily found out in a Web page or even by Whatsapp. Furthermore, in many cases, management allows recover part of the lost points, except for those that have been deducted for serious offenses.

CABA Scoring: step by step, how do I find out on the website how many points I have left?

Through the Internet, in a few few seconds, those who have licenses domiciled in the City can consult the current score for their registration. The process is:

Step 1. Enter the website of “Consultation of traffic violations and scoring” of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, from here.

This is the form available on the official website. Image: Capture.

Step 2. Choose the option search by document of identity.

Step 3. Enter the required data (type and document number) and tap “Consult“.

Step 4. Immediately, the system informs the current score of the license, in addition to the pending violations to resolve (if there is any).

The answer for a driver who keeps the initial score. Image: Capture.

Buenos Aires scoring: step by step, how to check how many points I have left via WhatsApp?

Neighbors can also check their driver’s license score through WhatsApp. The procedure is the next:

Step 1. Schedule as a contact on your cell phone at “Boti“, the chatbot of the City Government, whose number is +54 9 11 5050-0147. And start a conversation, for example, by writing “hello.”

Step 2. When the main menu appears, directly write a message with the word “Scoring”“.

Step 3. Choose the option “Check my points“.

Step 4. Enter the document type and then him number.

Step 5. Instantly, the bot report the score current license and suggests checking the pending fines there.

The consultation of points through Boti, the City's chatbot. Image: Captures.The consultation of points through Boti, the City’s chatbot. Image: Captures.

Fines in CABA: what infractions affect the scoring and how many points does each one take away?

Not all Infractions deduct points. Those that do affect the scoring They are detailed below, from the mildest to the most serious.

2 points are removed by fail to comply with instructions of a transit authority.

  • Failure to comply license conditions: for example, driving without glasses, have it defeated or drive a vehicle of another category.
  • Do prohibited turns.
  • Go reverse improperly.
  • Do not use the seat belt.
  • Carry babies or boys forward or without safety seats.
  • Block up a cross road, bicycle paths, sidewalks, reserved parking or exclusive lanes for public transportation.
  • Do not give way to vehicles with priority (patrol cars, fire engines, ambulances, etc.) or to pedestrians.
  • violate a traffic light in red.
  • Circulate to a excessive speedbetween 10% and 30% greater than the maximum.
  • Circulate in contramano or partially invade the opposite route.
  • Driving using your cell phone, headphones or video players.
  • Not respecting the priority of passage on street corners or a “STOP” sign.
  • Interrupt the passage of a row of schoolchildren.
  • Go motorcycle with violating the rules (without helmet, with minors under 16 years of age, etc.).
Going through the red light causes you to lose 5 points. Photo: Archive.Going through the red light causes you to lose 5 points. Photo: Archive.

10 points are lost by:

  • Circulate to a excessive speed at least 30% higher to the maximum.
  • Drive drugged or with more blood alcohol than permitted, or refuse the controls that detect it.
  • Pass with the low barrier a railway crossing.
  • Drive in a manner dangerous.
  • Not having a badge domain name, carrying it covered or illegible, or driving with anti-radar or anti-photo devices.
  • Offer services transport without authorization.
  • Failure to comply with requirements for cargo and passenger vehicles.

Finally I know they remove the 20 points by run or organize “picadas” (speed or skill competitions on public roads).

CABA Scoring: if I lost part of my points, is there any way to recover them?

Yeah. On the one hand, they recover over time since each partial discount of points It has no effect to the three years. This as long as the driver has not reached zero in that period and has no debts for violations.

On the other hand, you can recover 4 points per year who voluntarily carries out a road reeducation course.

Finally, for some violations, do the voluntary payment enables recover half of the lost points. The requirement is to carry out a online course on issues related to the offense that was committed.

Upon losing all points, the driver's license becomes disqualified. Photo: Archive.Upon losing all points, the driver’s license becomes disqualified. Photo: Archive.

CABA road scoring: what happens if a driver’s score reaches zero?

When a driver reaches the zero points a file is initiated for disable your license​:

  • By 60 days Yes, it’s first time that reaches zero points.
  • By 180 days Yes, it’s second time that reaches zero points.
  • By 2 years Yes, it’s third time that reaches zero points.
  • By 5 years Yes, it’s fourth time that reaches zero points.

After the disqualification period that falls on him, to return to driving, the offender will have to have passed a mandatory driver education course and prevention of traffic accidents. And in that case, you will be reassigned only 10 points.

At the same time, from the second total loss of points, upon reaching zero the license expires. And the offender, to have one again, must start the entire granting process from scratch, which includes a theoretical exam, a psychophysical exam, and a practical exam.

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