In response to the arrival of the Russian flotilla to Cuba, the US Navy unveiled the presence of the nuclear submarine USS Helena in Guantánamo

The arrival of a flotilla of Russian Navy ships to Cuba, in which the presence of the Yasen-M class nuclear-powered submarine Kazan stands out, has been generating a series of responses from the United States Navy (US Navy). To the deployment of destroyers and maritime patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon observed, has been added the confirmation of the presence in Guantánamo of the nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Helena (SSN-725).

As reported yesterday, the flotilla of Russian Navy ships arrived yesterday, June 12, at the port of Havana, Cuba. This group of ships is made up of some of the most modern surface and submarine combat means currently in service with the Northern Fleet, these being the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov (lead ship of the eponymous class or Project 22350) and the Kazan (K-561)one of the four units in service of the modern Project 885/885M class, also called Yasen/Yasen-M Class.

Beyond the quantity and number of means deployed in Cuba, the sending of this flotilla by Russia to the Caribbean Sea seeks to demonstrate the important projection capabilities that the Russian Navy possesses, in order to send an important deterrent message to potential adversaries.

The presence of the flotilla generated the necessary deployment of various surface and airborne assets of the United States Navy, which were complemented by ships and aircraft of the US Coast Guard and the Royal Canadian Navy. These, and following what was officially communicated by the Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), has been complemented by the presence of the Los Angeles class nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Helena (SSN-725).

The novelty of the official USSOUTHCOM statement is that the position of attack submarines, such as ballistic ones, in operations is rarely reported in a veiled manner by the United States Armed Forces. In the message published moments ago by the Southern Command, it states that: “The fast attack submarine USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of a routine port visit while transiting the U.S. Southern Command geographic area of ​​responsibility while carrying out its global mission of maritime security and national defense. The location and transit of the ship were previously planned”.

In a series of diverse events, both the Russian deployment in Cuba and the confirmation of the presence of the USS Helena in Guantánamo, can be seen as a message between Moscow and Washington at a time when the tension and escalation on the European continent does not seem to envision a detente. . Among the most recent events, the authorization to the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use various Western weapons against targets within Russian territory, close to the Ukrainian border, can be highlighted. Regardless of whether the presence of the US submarine in Guantánamo was planned in advance, the only thing that can be deduced is that coincidences do not exist, only the inevitable.

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