Spanish deputies from Vox used the word “tucumano” as an insult against a legislator born in Argentina

Spanish deputies from Vox used the word “tucumano” as an insult against a legislator born in Argentina
Spanish deputies from Vox used the word “tucumano” as an insult against a legislator born in Argentina

The insults were against Gerardo Pisarelli, a native of Tucumán

A group of Spanish deputies used the word “tucumán” as an insult against a legislator born in Argentina. Is about Gerardo Pisarelloa party politician Addnative of Tucumanbut settled for years in Spain.

The event occurred on May 30 when the Spanish Congress was debating the Amnesty Law, for those people who participated in the independence process in Catalonia and have an active cause. Likewise, insults circulated in the last few hours on social networks.

The insults against Pisarello were heard shortly after the party leader Vox, Santiago Abascal, alluded directly to the representative of Argentine origin when expressing his arguments in front of the venue. “[Pedro Sánchez] He has united with all the enemies of Spain, with all those who want it to go badly. Like someone who has gone up to the platform before me who has already torn the Spanish flag from a town hall and who deeply hates Spain,” he said in reference to a 2015 video in which Pisarello can be seen in which he internalizes reiterate the Spanish flag of the Barcelona city council, for which he confronted the leader of the PP of that city, Alberto Fernandez.

After Abascal left the rostrum, Pisarello complained to the president of the Chamber, Francina Armengolintervene by alleging “personal allusions”, contemplated in article 71 and 72 of the regulations of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, so the head of the body granted his request and gave the floor to the Spanish-Argentine, who recalled that he is grandson of Andalusian republicans.

Pisarello arrived in Spain in 1995 (Eduardo Parra – Europa Press)

Pisarello defended himself by saying that he feels “proudly Catalan and Latin American”. “And even if I were from Senegal or Donosti, I would tell you that those of us who work and live here do not accept any lessons from the gentlemen who have always lived from stories,” he added. The tension only grew as the treatment of the project progressed with cross comments between the VOX and Sumar benches.

Suddenly, words like “traitor”, “corrupt”, “coward”, “cynical”, “tucumán” and “sudaca” were heard inside the Spanish Chamber of Deputies, as reported by a journalist from the Spanish television channel. The sixth. The commotion paused the session, despite Armengol’s attempts to restore calm. “This lack of education leads nowhere,” said the head of the Chamber.

After the session, in a dialogue with the same media, the Spanish deputy born in Tucumán celebrated the agreements reached in Congress that made it possible for the Amnesty Law to be passed, but expressed that he feels “a mixture of rage and helplessness at realizing that “There is an extreme right in Congress that wants to distribute Spanishness cards.” “It is offensive to all the people who follow him and particularly to me,” he added.

Regarding the insults he received, he said that they treated him as a “traitor to Spain.” “It’s what they say to me and what they say to many people with any other discrepancy. Trying to cover with the flag the interests that these people defend,” he recalled.

The Spanish deputy considered the actions of his VOX peers to be “offensive”

Pisarello was vice mayor of Barcelona and is currently a deputy for Sumar in the Spanish Congress. He arrived in the country in 1995 and studied law. In addition, he is a professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Barcelona. His father, Ángel Pisarello, was a senator, ambassador and president of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) in Tucumán. He was murdered during the last military dictatorship.

During Alberto Fernández’s administration, his bond with Argentina strengthened. In fact, he held meetings with the former president and Gabriela Cerruti, who served as presidential spokesperson. In turn, during her visit in 2022, she also met Estela de Carlotto.

The VOX, for its part, maintains strong ties with Javier Milei. The relationship between the Spanish party and the President began during last year’s electoral campaign and, since then, the president visited Spain on more than one occasion to participate in events and conferences to which he was specially invited by the party.

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