The petroglyphs of Amazonas were documented almost two centuries ago

The petroglyphs of Amazonas were documented almost two centuries ago
The petroglyphs of Amazonas were documented almost two centuries ago

Is it true that researchers recently discovered petroglyphs and other cave paintings in the state of Amazonas? The answer seems to be an absolute no because there is sufficient documentation to prove it.

The geographer Héctor Escandell García, researcher and inhabitant of the Amazon, said in the program program talk to me softlywhich transmits Radio Fe y Alegría Newsthat the Piedra Pintada petroglyphs have appeared in literature for almost two centuries, there are publications that talk about them since 1886, he said.

“From science, from anthropology, from archeology there are reports of the presence of archaeological sites in the area of Pintao “For six, seven, eight decades, obviously that has already been fully recognized by Venezuelan culture.”

Likewise, there are indigenous peoples who have traditionally occupied those spaces, who have reported their presence, fundamentally the Piaroa people.”

Recently the Jivi people who live around the area where the cultural reserves are located.

“It is daring to assume paternity of something that has been fully recognized.”

What do cave paintings mean?

The specialist explained that in this complex archaeological area, “there are stone paintings, there are carvings, archaeological remains of buried ceramics, there is evidence of the existence of very old cemeteries”, it is estimated that the works could be up to fifteen hundred years old.

The indigenous peoples who occupied this territory were the Atures, the same name as the municipality where the capital of the Amazonas state is located.

It is located in “a rocky outcrop that is close to the Atures rapids on the Orinoco River,” and has a fundamental cultural implication for Venezuela.

The geographer warned that the lack of care that occurred has deteriorated in recent years.

Painted Stone Natural Monument

He recalled that in 1992, the Ministry of the Environment proposed the creation of the Piedra Pintada Natural Monument and in order to decree it there was a study that led to the recognition of its qualities.

In the case of Piedra Pintura, its archaeological, anthropological and cultural value was recognized.

Also, for several decades this has represented a tourist attraction for nationals and foreigners who visit the Venezuelan Amazon.

There are 14 registered places where there are paintings and carvings, there are representations of animals and anthropomorphic designs. “The most impressive is the snake that crosses the stone for more than 20 meters,” says Escandell.

Empty cemeteries

Over the years, many of the buried ceramics were looted by people who do not value these spaces.

Some tourists wrote tourist messages with paint on the stone.

Although they represent a cultural value, since the beginning of the century groups other than the indigenous peoples have populated the area and accelerated the damage.

Tourist attractions

One way to take advantage of and protect areas with cave paintings is to generate policies to promote ecotourism, together with indigenous peoples.

Héctor Escandell García explained that the entire route of the Orinoco River “of almost a thousand kilometers to the Alto Orinoco” is full of cultural expressions of indigenous peoples.

The exploration of these areas and the use of tourism can be an alternative to mining practices that generate destruction.

At some point, the possibility of creating a system of protected areas was raised to preserve the ecosystems and cultures that have occupied it for more than a thousand years.

However, the multidimensional crisis affecting the country momentarily removed the possibility.

In any case, it is important to continue making natural monuments and protected areas visible to generate belonging and protection of indigenous peoples.

Listen to the interview that Héctor Escandell García offered to journalist Carlota Rojas:

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