President of the Council of La Unión, Antioquia, denounced that he was scolded at the town festivals

President of the Council of La Unión, Antioquia, denounced that he was scolded at the town festivals
President of the Council of La Unión, Antioquia, denounced that he was scolded at the town festivals

11:13 AM

The celebration of the Potato Festivals, which took place last weekend in the municipality of La Unión, Oriente Antioquia, became a nightmare for councilor Carlos Franco, who also presides over the municipal corporation.

Everything happened, according to his testimony, when in the middle of the festivities some criminals who apparently had already observed him, scopolaminated and subsequently and stripped him of a gold chain and watch, the cell phone and $500,000 in cash, but not before giving him a beating that left him in a delicate state.

Disoriented by the drug they gave him and dazed by the beating, the councilor managed to reach a bakery in the central area of ​​the municipality and there he collapsed on the counter of the establishment, remaining unconscious. When they realized that the man was injured and bleeding profusely, the employees called the police and firefighters to treat him.

“At 01:46 am, the community approaches and reports about a male who encounters nosebleed in the bakery Versailles. Five units leave for the site, a man of approximately 27 years of age is found in a supine position, the straight nasal septum is evaluated without obvious lesions, without crepitus. Cleaning is carried out with dressings, vital signs are monitored, it is transferred to ACV and handed over to Ministry of Health personnel,” said Fabián Mejía, commander of the local Fire Department.

After the event, and now in a better state of health, the councilor repudiated that this type of situation occurs in the municipality and assured that it was probably a criminal group that had arrived from another municipality to take advantage of the festivities and commit thefts that, in this case , could even end in tragedy.

“It is sad that people come to our municipality with the intention of overshadowing a celebration as beautiful as the Potato Festival. These criminal organizations usually come from other municipalities and take advantage of people, committing crimes using various methods. I was a victim of these people and I never thought something like this would happen to me, especially in the municipality where we all know each other and we don’t care about each other. Fortunately, clients of a business managed to help me, because the story would have been different”he related.

The corporation announced that it has already reported the case to the Prosecutor’s Office so that they can continue the investigation and clarify with cameras and testimonies who were responsible for the theft and the attack against them. He also asked the community “who was a victim of this same crime last weekend, to report the case, even if there is not much information, as it is the only way to find the whereabouts and individualization of these subjects.” that operate in groups of up to 5 people.”

But in addition to this complaint for theft, Franco filed another complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office for libel and slander against two people from the municipality, because while the employees and customers of the establishment showed their solidarity, these two people – according to the corporation – took advantage of the situation and Upon seeing him beaten, shirtless and completely disoriented on the floor, they decided to take photos and videos of him to “make montages” and spread them through social networks.

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